• Opening mdb with Access 2007 then Access 2000? (A2007 (12.0.6334.5000) SP1 Jet 4.0 SP-8)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Access and database help » Opening mdb with Access 2007 then Access 2000? (A2007 (12.0.6334.5000) SP1 Jet 4.0 SP-8)


    I develop FE.mdb apps in Access 2000 and both FE.mdb and BE.mdb are in Access 2000 format

    If I use Access 2007 to open a FE.mdb that was created in Access 2000 can I still use that same FE.mdb with Access 2000 to make programming changes?

    Thanks, John

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    • #1146396

      If it becomes a problem because of 2007 then just convert it back to 2000 format.

      I dont know how far back you can convert from 2007 though.

    • #1146560

      Access 2007 can open an Access 2000 format database without converting.

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