• Open Text File forcing use of the wizard (97)

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    I often have to download text files from a mainframe that are then to be opened in Excel using the Text Import Wizard.

    To save time, I thought it would be useful to set an alternative file association for txt files so that I could right click and ‘open in Excel’ – rather than having to open Excel, use the ‘Open File’ dialogue to navigate to the folder, change the ‘files of type’ etc etc.

    My problem is that if I set the file association to excel.exe it bypasses the Text Import WIzard, and dumps each line in column A – Is there a way of forcing excel to use the Text Import Wizard when opening a file?

    Are there DDE settings I could use? – I can’t see any switch settings that will force the use of the Wizard.

    I know I could simply use the ‘text to columns’ wizard after opening the file, but a one-click solution would be useful.

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    • #849253

      You might do it like this:

      – in a new workbook:

      Open the Thisworkbook module and paste in this code:

      Option Explicit
      Private Sub Workbook_Open()
          Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "ProcessTextfile"
      End Sub

      In a normal module, paste this code:

      Option Explicit
      Dim oWkbk As Workbook
      Function IsThereATextFile() As Boolean
          Dim bTxtfile As Boolean
          For Each oWkbk In Workbooks
              Select Case Right(oWkbk.Name, 4)
              Case ".prn"
                  bTxtfile = True
              Case ".txt"
                  bTxtfile = True
              Case ".csv"
                  bTxtfile = True
              Case Else
                  bTxtfile = False
              End Select
              If bTxtfile Then Exit For
          IsThereATextFile = bTxtfile
      End Function
      Sub ProcessTextfile()
          Dim sFilename As String
          If IsThereATextFile Then
          sFilename = oWkbk.FullName
          If MsgBox("You opened a textfile, Import it using the wizard?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
              oWkbk.Close False
              SendKeys sFilename & "~"
              On Error Resume Next
          End If
          End If
      End Sub

      Save this new workbook in your XLSTART directory ( on my system:
      C:Documents and SettingsPieterseApplication DataMicrosoftExcelXLSTART)

      Now try to open a txt file by rightclicking as you described.

      • #850014

        Thanks guys, That looks like a good approach

        However my version of Excel ( 97 SR2) didn’t seem to recognise the “xlDialogImportTextFile” Dialog name, so I got a “Variable not Defined” error whenever I opened Excel. sad

        After a quick search through the Microsoft knowledge base, I’ve found that using “xlDialogOpen” gives the desired result

        Many Thanks

        • #851071

          I’ve amended the code after finding that opening any other spreadsheet on top of the open “*.txt” file asked me if
          I wanted to use the Wizard again.

          Edited to include error handler when opening Excel without an active workbook.

          Option Explicit
          Public oWkbk As Workbook
          Public clsApp As New clsEvent
          Function IsThereATextFile() As Boolean
            Dim bTxtfile As Boolean
           On Error GoTo ExitFunction
           Set oWkbk = ThisWorkbook.Application.ActiveWorkbook
              Select Case Right(oWkbk.Name, 4)
              Case ".prn"
                bTxtfile = True
              Case ".txt"
                bTxtfile = True
              Case ".csv"
                bTxtfile = True
              Case Else
                bTxtfile = False
              End Select
           IsThereATextFile = bTxtfile
          End Function

          This now only asks for the file being opened.

          PS change the file attributes of the OpenText.xls to ReadOnly and you’ll avoid the ‘already in use’
          popup when opening another spreadsheet.

          Once again, many thanks for giving me 95% of a solution and inspiring me to play about with the code.

        • #851072

          I’ve amended the code after finding that opening any other spreadsheet on top of the open “*.txt” file asked me if
          I wanted to use the Wizard again.

          Edited to include error handler when opening Excel without an active workbook.

          Option Explicit
          Public oWkbk As Workbook
          Public clsApp As New clsEvent
          Function IsThereATextFile() As Boolean
            Dim bTxtfile As Boolean
           On Error GoTo ExitFunction
           Set oWkbk = ThisWorkbook.Application.ActiveWorkbook
              Select Case Right(oWkbk.Name, 4)
              Case ".prn"
                bTxtfile = True
              Case ".txt"
                bTxtfile = True
              Case ".csv"
                bTxtfile = True
              Case Else
                bTxtfile = False
              End Select
           IsThereATextFile = bTxtfile
          End Function

          This now only asks for the file being opened.

          PS change the file attributes of the OpenText.xls to ReadOnly and you’ll avoid the ‘already in use’
          popup when opening another spreadsheet.

          Once again, many thanks for giving me 95% of a solution and inspiring me to play about with the code.

      • #850015

        Thanks guys, That looks like a good approach

        However my version of Excel ( 97 SR2) didn’t seem to recognise the “xlDialogImportTextFile” Dialog name, so I got a “Variable not Defined” error whenever I opened Excel. sad

        After a quick search through the Microsoft knowledge base, I’ve found that using “xlDialogOpen” gives the desired result

        Many Thanks

    • #849254

      You might do it like this:

      – in a new workbook:

      Open the Thisworkbook module and paste in this code:

      Option Explicit
      Private Sub Workbook_Open()
          Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "ProcessTextfile"
      End Sub

      In a normal module, paste this code:

      Option Explicit
      Dim oWkbk As Workbook
      Function IsThereATextFile() As Boolean
          Dim bTxtfile As Boolean
          For Each oWkbk In Workbooks
              Select Case Right(oWkbk.Name, 4)
              Case ".prn"
                  bTxtfile = True
              Case ".txt"
                  bTxtfile = True
              Case ".csv"
                  bTxtfile = True
              Case Else
                  bTxtfile = False
              End Select
              If bTxtfile Then Exit For
          IsThereATextFile = bTxtfile
      End Function
      Sub ProcessTextfile()
          Dim sFilename As String
          If IsThereATextFile Then
          sFilename = oWkbk.FullName
          If MsgBox("You opened a textfile, Import it using the wizard?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
              oWkbk.Close False
              SendKeys sFilename & "~"
              On Error Resume Next
          End If
          End If
      End Sub

      Save this new workbook in your XLSTART directory ( on my system:
      C:Documents and SettingsPieterseApplication DataMicrosoftExcelXLSTART)

      Now try to open a txt file by rightclicking as you described.

    • #849264

      Of course my solution only works when Excel has not been opened yet. If it needs to work in the case Excel is already open, it will need a class module that can handle Application events.

      • #849265

        I have attached a zipped workbook that uses an application level event. Like your workbook, it can be placed in the XLSTART folder.

        – The workbook is hidden, so you won’t see it in Excel itself. You can inspect the code in the Visual Basic Editor.
        – If you start Excel by itself, it will not come up with a blank workbook any more.
        – XLSTART may be inside a hidden folder (Application Data) so make sure that you can see hidden files and folders in Windows Explorer.

      • #849266

        I have attached a zipped workbook that uses an application level event. Like your workbook, it can be placed in the XLSTART folder.

        – The workbook is hidden, so you won’t see it in Excel itself. You can inspect the code in the Visual Basic Editor.
        – If you start Excel by itself, it will not come up with a blank workbook any more.
        – XLSTART may be inside a hidden folder (Application Data) so make sure that you can see hidden files and folders in Windows Explorer.

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