• open IE in new page (IE5.5)


    I have created a page of hyperlinks in word 2000 to other word documents and saved this as a web page. When I click a hyperlink from the web page I want it to open the word document in a new windwo. Can I use a switch to do this and where do I insert the switch – in word or after I create the web page.
    Thanks anyone.

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    • #581952

      Word’s Hyperlink dialog does not seem to provide the option.

      If you use Alt-F9 to view the HYPERLINK fields, you can add the n switch to have them open in a new window:

      { HYPERLINK “C:jfstempdoc.doc” n }

      I don’t know whether this will carry over to the HTML. If not, you can add TARGET=”_blank” to your tags in a text editor to open the target in a new window.

      • #582391

        Thanks. I had to use the second option as the second one did not carry over to the HTML document.

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