I developed front end Clerk.mdb with Access 2000
On a customer’s computer I’m using Microsoft Office Access 2003 (11.8204.8172) SP3
Default File Format: Access 2000
I have an Access 2003 installed with Access 2000 front end Clerk.mdb with the following references and everything works OK on a Windows XP computer
Visual Basic for Applications
Microsoft Access11.0 Object Library
OLE Automation
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3
Microsoft Office11.0 Object Library
Microsoft Windows Common Controls 5.0 (SP2)
Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library
Tilt 1.2 MultiLabel Type Library
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library
When I run the same Access 2000 front end program.mdb on a Access 2003 Windows 7 computer I’m getting
Error: 3044: ‘F:ClerkClerk_Be.mdb’ is not a valid path. (Note: this is my backend database)
When I check my Clerk.mdb references they are all checked, however
OLE Automation is moved to the end of the list and Clerk.mdb un-compiles
Any help would be appreciated
Thanks, John