• Office Shortcut Toolbar (Office 2000)


    I know I saw this problem before but we don’t have the Search anymore so I will post it again.
    After restoring things after a virus infection, I seem to have lost my Office Shortcut bar (at the top of the screen). I have double clicked on the shortcut for it, under MS Office but the only thing that comes up now is an old one with my name that must have been salvaged. The normal OFFICE bar is not available and I can not add it.
    Does anybody remember this post and how to fix it ?

    Viewing 3 reply threads
    • #709130

      Your customization files for Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar are located by default, depending of operating system, in C:WINDOWSApplication DataMicrosoftOfficeShortcut Bar (Windows 98/ME) or C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftOfficeShortcut Bar (Windows 2000/XP). Click Start | Programs | Microsoft Office Tools | Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar. Shortcut Bar will appear. Then right-click on empty space on the shortcut bar (or on Office logo at the beginning of the bar) and from pop-up menu choose Customize. If you want to see small icons on the top of the screen, check “Auto Fit into Title Bar area” under “View”. To restore your shortcuts in the standard toolbars, click Buttons tab, then chech/uncheck your shortcuts for each toolbar. To restore your custom toolbar, click Toolbars tab, then “Add Toolbar” button, on the next dialog choose “Make Toolbar for this folder” and click Browse button. Return to Buttons and make sure all your shortcuts are checked. Click OK.

      • #709586

        Kap. I created a shortcut on the desktop to get to launch the shortcut toolbar after I found it not working. Now, if I click on it a message comes up saying…”the office shortcut bar must have at least one toolbar to run. Do you want to add a toolbar now ?” If I say yes, a box comes up where you can choose what to add. You CAN NOT add Office because it won’t let you. If you create one, say with your name, you can but it is not the Office toolbar. Somewhere back, over a year ago, I saw this problem. I can not find any notes I made about it now, of course.
        There was a solution posted on the board but without the Search and some of the old posts, it will not be found.
        Thanks for your help….if you have further ideas to try, please let me know.

        • #709616

          You cannot add “Office” toolbar because it already exists (it can be only one toolbar with the same name). Your “Office” toolbar is in the location Application DataMicrosoftOfficeShortcut Bar in WINDOWS or DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS folder. When you open “Customize” dialog, click “Toolbars” tab and, if it is not listed, “Add toolbar” button, on the nex dialog “Make toolbar for this Folder” radio button, “Browse” button and point it to the Application DataMicrosoftOfficeShortcut BarOffice folder as described above. If Shortcut BarOffice folder is deleted, try to re-install Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar. To do so, make sure you have your Office Installation CD ready. Then go to Start | Settings (except Windows XP) | Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs | Change or Remove Programs button on the left pane (or Install/Uninstall tab) and pick up “Microsoft Office 2000…” from the list. Then click Change (or Add/Remove), from the dialog choose “Add or Remove Features”, then navigate to Office Tools | Microsoft Office Shortcut bar. Click on it and from pop-up menu choose “Not available”. Click Update Now, OK. Then repeat all these steps once again and from pop-up menu choose “Run from My Computer”. Click Update Now, OK. I hope it will solve your problem.

        • #709617

          You cannot add “Office” toolbar because it already exists (it can be only one toolbar with the same name). Your “Office” toolbar is in the location Application DataMicrosoftOfficeShortcut Bar in WINDOWS or DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS folder. When you open “Customize” dialog, click “Toolbars” tab and, if it is not listed, “Add toolbar” button, on the nex dialog “Make toolbar for this Folder” radio button, “Browse” button and point it to the Application DataMicrosoftOfficeShortcut BarOffice folder as described above. If Shortcut BarOffice folder is deleted, try to re-install Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar. To do so, make sure you have your Office Installation CD ready. Then go to Start | Settings (except Windows XP) | Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs | Change or Remove Programs button on the left pane (or Install/Uninstall tab) and pick up “Microsoft Office 2000…” from the list. Then click Change (or Add/Remove), from the dialog choose “Add or Remove Features”, then navigate to Office Tools | Microsoft Office Shortcut bar. Click on it and from pop-up menu choose “Not available”. Click Update Now, OK. Then repeat all these steps once again and from pop-up menu choose “Run from My Computer”. Click Update Now, OK. I hope it will solve your problem.

      • #709587

        Kap. I created a shortcut on the desktop to get to launch the shortcut toolbar after I found it not working. Now, if I click on it a message comes up saying…”the office shortcut bar must have at least one toolbar to run. Do you want to add a toolbar now ?” If I say yes, a box comes up where you can choose what to add. You CAN NOT add Office because it won’t let you. If you create one, say with your name, you can but it is not the Office toolbar. Somewhere back, over a year ago, I saw this problem. I can not find any notes I made about it now, of course.
        There was a solution posted on the board but without the Search and some of the old posts, it will not be found.
        Thanks for your help….if you have further ideas to try, please let me know.

    • #709131

      Your customization files for Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar are located by default, depending of operating system, in C:WINDOWSApplication DataMicrosoftOfficeShortcut Bar (Windows 98/ME) or C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftOfficeShortcut Bar (Windows 2000/XP). Click Start | Programs | Microsoft Office Tools | Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar. Shortcut Bar will appear. Then right-click on empty space on the shortcut bar (or on Office logo at the beginning of the bar) and from pop-up menu choose Customize. If you want to see small icons on the top of the screen, check “Auto Fit into Title Bar area” under “View”. To restore your shortcuts in the standard toolbars, click Buttons tab, then chech/uncheck your shortcuts for each toolbar. To restore your custom toolbar, click Toolbars tab, then “Add Toolbar” button, on the next dialog choose “Make Toolbar for this folder” and click Browse button. Return to Buttons and make sure all your shortcuts are checked. Click OK.

    • #710232
      • #710556

        Thanks for writing but this is not the Office Shortcut bar to which we are referring.
        The URL which you sent refers to Menus.

        • #710724


          Two links referred to the toolbar, but I really think that aside from some situations that can make the toolbar disappear, your very best bet is to follow Kaplinb’s suggestion and restore from Add/Remove–reinstall it with MS Tools or do the same thing by popping in your Office CD and you can reisntall it from Microsoft Office Tools in what they call MS Office 2000 Maintainance mode–a modified setup that at least Office 2000 and XP go into after the first install–not sure 97.

          264625: OFF2000: How to Install or Repair Microsoft Office 2000

          Also take a look at the 4 MSKB’s on other scenarios for the disappearing short cut toolbar not menu in Post 291042 in this thread

          hth this time,

        • #710725


          Two links referred to the toolbar, but I really think that aside from some situations that can make the toolbar disappear, your very best bet is to follow Kaplinb’s suggestion and restore from Add/Remove–reinstall it with MS Tools or do the same thing by popping in your Office CD and you can reisntall it from Microsoft Office Tools in what they call MS Office 2000 Maintainance mode–a modified setup that at least Office 2000 and XP go into after the first install–not sure 97.

          264625: OFF2000: How to Install or Repair Microsoft Office 2000

          Also take a look at the 4 MSKB’s on other scenarios for the disappearing short cut toolbar not menu in Post 291042 in this thread

          hth this time,

      • #710557

        Thanks for writing but this is not the Office Shortcut bar to which we are referring.
        The URL which you sent refers to Menus.

    • #710233
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