• Office Shortcut Bar – dial-up shorcuts (Office 2000, Win XP)

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    I love the Office Shortcut Bar.
    However, on my computer which runs on WinXP, I cannot get shortcuts to the dail-up connections to work.

    On my two Win98 computers (one with Office97 and one with Office2000) I have shortcuts to frequently used dial-up connections on the Bar. To create them, I simply created shortcuts to the connections on the desktop, then dragged them onto the Bar. On the WinXP machine, the shortcuts on the desktop work fine. But when I drag them onto the Bar, the copies on the Bar won’t work.

    Any clues how to create a dial-up shortcut on the Bar that will work?

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    • #684642

      Open Windows Explorer (or press Windows key and E key on your keyboard simultaneously).
      Make sure that hidden files are shown (click Tools | Folder Options, then View tab, check “Show hidden files and folders” and uncheck “Hide extensions for known file types” and “Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)”, confirm you want to do it and click OK).
      Navigate to C:Documents and SettingsDesktop, find your shortcut on the right pane, right-click it and from pop-up menu choose “Copy”
      Navigate to C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftOfficeShortcut BarOffice. Make sure you see all shortcuts from your Office shortcut Bar on the right pane. Right-click on the empty space on the right pane and from pop-up menu choose “Paste”.
      If the shortcut does not appear on the Office Shortcut Bar immediately, right-click the Office logo at the beginning of the Bar and from pop-up menu choose “Customize”, then “Buttons” tab and check the checkbox next to your shortcut. Click OK.

      • #684656

        Well…I followed all the steps. And it DID immediately appear on the Bar, without having to go in to customize the buttons. But it behaves exactly like it does when I simply drag it from the desktop. The icon becomes a question mark, and when you click it nothing happens. (I did go in to the button selection and turned it off and then back on – but same thing)

        I’ve noticed that if I check the properties of the shortcuts to the dial-up connections (both the ones that work and the ones that don’t) the “Start In” field is blank (unlike shortcuts to other things, which have recognizable file paths there). Do I maybe need to put something there to get the shortcut to work from the Bar? And, if so, what might it be? Just a thought. Any ideas?


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