I need help in getting Office Outlook 2003 working on my new PC.
I have two PCs: a Dell desktop purchased Jan 2006 using MS XP and Outlook Express email application.
Second: a Dell laptop purchased Dec 2013 using MS Win7 Home Premium and Office Outlook 2003 email application.
The Dell laptop was purchased because neither MS XP nor Outlook Express are supported by MS, even
though they can still function. Nonetheless, it was time to upgrade. However, I cannot disturb my Outlook Express
until I can get Outlook 2003 working on my new PC. Once that is functioning I can notify many enterprises that need
to send me email of my new email address (if in fact I need to change my email address; not sure).
I use COMCAST as my ISP. I have been working with their HELP folks trying to get email going on my Win7 PC, to no
avail so far. I have talked to several of their people, each of them having me enter the email settings dialogs, again
and again. I still cannot send or receive email on my Win7 PC. Not only that, but any test emails they send to me end
up in my Outlook Express app. I asked one of the HELP people how can I keep setting certain dialog screens with the
same text as is used in my Outlook Express app. I was told that any incoming emails should go into both email apps.
I should mention that not only has MS stopped supporting MS XP and Outlook Express, but Comcast told me recently that
I needed to get a newer cable modem, that the one I am using on my old PC is, itself, too old to continue to be used. I
went out and bought a newer cable modem for my new PC. Also, I should mention that I only have one coaxial cable
supplied by Comcast, and even though I now have two cable modems, one attached to each PC, I can only be
connected to one PC at a time. I am going to get a cable splitter and two short coaxil cables in order to have online
access by both PCs at the same time.
The last HELP person I talked to, after having me re-enter the settings yet again, said she was baffled and suggested I
look for an “IT” person to see if he can get me going right.
I am hoping I can get some help here.