• Office 365 Email Tips Have Admin Opt-Out Option

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    Microsoft Ready to Train Your Office 365 Users — Unless You Opt Out
    Microsoft is going to start training Office 365 users via email unless IT admins tell them no thanks.

    By Richard Hay & Lisa Schmeiser | Nov. 2, 2018

    Microsoft informed administrators for organizations with Microsoft 365 and Office 365 subscriptions that the company would begin sending email to subscribed users offering helpful product training and tips for services in their subscriptions. The new training service is scheduled to take effect on November 29, 2018.

    However, if admins definitely do not want to have Microsoft providing these tips and productivity awareness emails to their users, there is an opt-out setting in the admin portal.

    Read the full article here

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    • #230311

      Our organization has made a turnaround in recent years in which the original thought process was to not encourage training because an employee would learn more and then leave the company for greener pastures. But with a fairly new I.S. Director and Project manager that has now changed and training is now an accepted practice.

      I think I’ll let this fly and see how it goes. The problem I foresee is that we are now using a very nice spam/phishing package at the user level called “Proofpoint”. If a user receives a suspicious email they can click a “phish alert” button in Outlook to send the email to I.T. for review and deletes it from their inbox. After some initial training with our people it has worked out very well for preventing phish emails from compromising user accounts. However we also get valid emails sent to us since people can’t always determine themselves if an unexpected email is legit. I know I’ll be receiving a lot of “phish alerts” from users when these emails start hitting inboxes.

      Of course a lot of employees have no interest in learning new things and can even get mad when given new things to do so it’s likely to be of little help. Many would agree if it winds up making more work for me then it will get launched and I will disable another wonderful new “feature” that Microsoft seems so intent on pursuing.

      Red Ruffnsore

    • #230831

      How to turn off Microsoft end user communications in Office 365
      Microsoft end user communication is on by default in Office 365, but admins can turn it off for all users by navigating several online configuration screens. Here is how you do it.
      (Includes screenshots)

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