• Office 2010 configuration on each program load


    i understand the new (& also weird) ‘ms office’ protocol…whereby, when one attempts to open an office program…a ‘Microsoft Installer’ progress window pops up & runs BEFORE the app opens. it’s annoying, but tolerable ’cause at least it’s fast.

    but I just purchased ‘microsoft office home & business 2010’…so i could go back to outlook (& get rid of windows live mail)…& in outlook…the Microsoft Installer window runs longer than usual…& then…seemingly w/ every e-mail account that gets opened for incoming mail…another progress window pops up called ‘Microsoft Single Image’…& that keeps coming up & up; & just takes forever.

    i really need to get rid of this nonsense, or i’m going back to live mail…will have no choice.

    anyone have any ideas…???



    ALSO: in ms word…a ‘program configuration’ window pops up & runs…& that one REALLY takes a long time.

    please help

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    • #1333181
    • #1333676

      i can’t take it, man…this is crackin’ me up (& I don’t mean in a humorous way)…

      uninstalled & reinstalled ms office home & business 2010…still the same thing…first, the stupid microsoft single image window…then…the entire app must be configured before it will even open…this is HORRIBLE…!!!

      I also tried a ‘repair’, whereby Word runs from my computer…& that didn’t work (think I did it correctly…not sure).

      someone please help…thanx,


    • #1333677

      I’ve merged the four threads that have been started on this subject in the past 5 days. They all appear to be installation issues with Office 2010 Home & Business 2010 “Click to Run”.



    • #1334008

      Before you try to get rid of it, you might pay a visit to How-to Geek for a discussion of how to install Starter 2010 on a flash drive. Typically it comes as a ‘taste’ of Office 2010 on new computers, and it can be hard to find online if you are actually looking for it, as any number of people may be at any time. So far as I know, it won’t interfere with the full version of Office if you leave it in place.

    • #1334070


      Kindly read the following regarding cross-posting etiquette: http://www.excelguru.ca/content.php?184

      Paul Edstein
      [Fmr MS MVP - Word]

    • #1348691

      After wasting hours on similar problem thought I’d offer my solution (many folks different solutions). If you google especially related to the install Microsoft Single Image there are zillions of posts of this issue going back years.

      About a year ago I went thru this mess and had to uninstall all of Office 2010 and then have it do zillions of updates etc. None of the posted solutions other than uninstall and reinstall worked (after trying the fixit for all prior versions etc)

      Now a year later with no change to Office it started doing it again. For my version evey time you try and open Word, any docx file etc get the have to install that xxxxx image program which is nowhere to be found not even on my Office install disk. Could not get into Word 2010 at all since the xxx installer runs and has to be canelled but no Word.

      Did a bunch of suggestions related to registery, fix it to remove any rementants of prior programs nothing worked trying to avoid a total uninstall and reinstall. Didn’t want to go to a restore point (if had before problem) as I did a lot of non office related stuff including fiddling with swap page memory etc.

      As a last resort (after rebooting after every failed attempt to cure) put the original Office disk in hoping to do a restore. Well, the autorun simply brought up that xxxx have to run Office Image thing again and would not continue.

      However… if right clicked on the drive and “install”.. the CD ran without the Image file window. I did a repair. The first time afterwards opened Word the Image has to find box opened but I saw Word opening in the back of it.

      Low and behold it is now fixed. At least for now.

      I last ran office before the Image mess with no problem on Fri 9/7 and the Office Image mess started first time on Sunday 9/9/12. I did note there was a Windows update between – wonder if that broke it!

      With this such a common problem and so hard to solve, wonder why all the brains of Microsoft can’t figure out why its calling for a program that doesn’t exist at least that I know of.

      Problem solved but maybe this can help anyone else winding up here direct or when Googling the Office Image horror problem.

    • #1333182

      Click to run is related to Office. It seems your Office installation may have not completed that well. Have you considered uninstalling and installing again?

      Do you run any type of security app? I would probably advise disabling it while installing Office, just in case.

    • #1333202

      I actually wanted to do that…but I also have a problem w/ Click-2-Run Manager. In Uninstall/Reinstall Programs…the options never go beyond ‘Change’…when I highlight a program & click Change…nothing happens…& I get a Click-2-Run configuration error

    • #1333317

      I think all problems are related. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?

    • #1333421

      I think you are in the wrong view. Try clicking the X in the upper right corner to bring it down a level, and then click on send/receive.

    • #1333717
    • #1333784


      There are a few possible causes for the “can’t send email” problem. The link below takes you to a page that walks you through the various possibilities and possible solutions. Hopefully it will help.



    • #1334000

      no, but I have MS Office Starter 2010…which will not uninstall, for some reason.

      when I try, I get a ‘Click-2-Run’ error:


    • #1334172

      thanx all…

      wanted to let everyone know that I finally phoned MS support & got this resolved.

      The problem was 2-fold…

      1) MS Office 2010 Starter was still installed, corrupted (& uninstallable) & corrupting the configuration of MS Office Home & Business 2010.

      2) MS Installer was, for some unexplained reason, gone (?).

      FIX) after uninstalling all apps related to office, due to MS Installer being kaput, a newly downloaded version of Office Home & Business could not be installed. the tech(s) installed it (Installer) from my OEM disc by initiating a repair of the OS (while saving all files, folders, settings, etc.)
      once that occured, office was installed anew; & WORD is now working correctly

      (also…as a result of the repair…Programs & Features is also now working correctly).

      thanx for ur help,


      btw – don’t believe cross-posting is an etiquitte problem or any other kind of problem…if you’re referring to posting a support question in multiple different forum sites. the problem isn’t one originating w/ the poster (who just want’s to gain answers)…it originates w/ the forum members (who also) visit multiple sites & just get mad (for some reason) they’re seeing it somewhere else.

      UPDATE: Oh…I get the cross-posting thing now…just indicate it IS one, in fact, so volunteers don’t waste their time in other forums answering the same question…got it…sorry…disregard above

    • #1334359

      thanx all…

      UPDATE: Oh…I get the cross-posting thing now…just indicate it IS one, in fact, so volunteers don’t waste their time in other forums answering the same question…got it…sorry…disregard above

      Not to be confused with cross posting, in which many cross words (like …!@#$%^&*!???) appear.

    • #1348693

      Although you claim this is a common problem, it really isn’t. Considering the number of years that Office has been about and that the problem is usually due to an installation error or the use of multiple Office versions, both of which are easily resolved, the remaining scope for what you regard as a common problem is actually quite rare.

      Paul Edstein
      [Fmr MS MVP - Word]

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