• October Third Party Program Updates

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    From Randy the Tech Professor: This month there are patches for Adobe Flash, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Reader, Apple iTunes, Apple Safari, Google Chrome, M
    [See the full post at: October Third Party Program Updates]

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    • #49246

      I do a lot of typos in my comments here, so I probably shouldn’t be pointing this out, but…

      DWX Control Panel? I think that’s GWX Control Panel.

    • #49247

      @RC –

      YIKES! Thanks.

    • #49248

      I saw some articles about updating XP to Win 10. Is that doable?
      I haven’t gotten any nagging to update to 10 on my Win 7 machine. So I’m biding my time.

    • #49249


      I guess alot depends on the XP machine. If it’s a relatively new one, with no weird drivers, yeah, you can probably make it work.

      But you’ll have to pay for Win10. TANSTAAFL.

    • #49250

      Sounds like it would probably pay to get a new machine with Win 10 installed rather than try to put tail fins on a Studebaker and call it a Caddy.
      Reminds me of when I figured out I could use my Texas Instruments 994A for word processing. “All I have to do is add….”
      Then sanity prevailed and I bought a PC.

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