I am using MS Access 2007 on Windows 7.
When I took classes in Access about a decade ago, my teacher told us that if numbers we enter into our database are going to be used to do math, we should always format them as currency. She had some explanation for this which I no longer recall but which made sense at the time. I have followed her advice, and when the numbers I’m using aren’t ACTUALLY currency (they usually aren’t), I have simply changed the decimal and leading symbol settings on the field so they display simply as numbers, not currency.
First question: Was this accurate information (that numbers to be used for math should be formatted as currency)?
If so, then
Second question: How do I get a sum field in a calculate query to display WITHOUT the currency symbol? I’ve never had this problem before Access 2007 but now, even though the numbers in my table and in my regular queries display without the symbol, once total them in a Totals query, there is a currency symbol (in this case a dollar sign) in front of them and two decimal places appear, whether or not there were decimal places in the original data.
Thank you for any tips.