• Notify me of follow-up replies via email



    “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” box checked but not receiving emails.
    Did I miss the memo, is this not working at the moment.
    No big deal just curious.

    Dell, W10 Professional, 64-bit, Intel Core i7 Quad, Group A

    HP, W7 Home Premium, 64-bit, AMD Phenom II, Group A

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    • #136075

      There is a “Subscribe” link at the top right of the topic in a gray bar. Click on that to subscribe to a topic. If you are subscribed, it will say “Unsubscribe.”

      If you click on your gravitar/ID, it will take you to your profile where you can see what you are subscribed to and unsubscribe if you want to.

      Not sure it’s working now. Try it.

    • #136143

      When I started this thread I made it a point to make sure I checked the box. Then after clicking submit I checked the link at the top right of the topic in the gray bar and it said “Unsubscribe.” It also says I’m subscribed in my profile under my Subscriptions. It has been over six hours since your reply. I still have not been notified via email of your reply. I checked to see if my email was in my profile on the edit page and it is there and correct. Just for the heck of it I clicked on the “Update Profile” button on the edit profile page to maybe straighten out the cobwebs,  i.e. cyber gremlins.

      Dell, W10 Professional, 64-bit, Intel Core i7 Quad, Group A

      HP, W7 Home Premium, 64-bit, AMD Phenom II, Group A

      • #136160

        Hi @Sparky, hope your tweak works. I’ve received emails today for new replies in one topic I’m subscribed to, so it’s not a universal problem.
        I’ll subscribe to this, if you are able to reply, we can see if it’s up and running properly now.
        Thx 🙂

        • #136371

          Hi @Kirsty I did not receive a email notification from your reply and PKCano’s reply. I checked my email blocked list and there is no email addresses on the list. The last time I received a notification was 9-7-17. Since then there have been many replies to the threads I’m subscribed to. As of this reply I also added noreply@askwoody.com to my safe senders list. I don’t know if the problem is this sites notification system or if my email account is somehow blocking the notifications, which I don’t think it is. Head Scratcher.

          Dell, W10 Professional, 64-bit, Intel Core i7 Quad, Group A

          HP, W7 Home Premium, 64-bit, AMD Phenom II, Group A

          • #136405

            I received my notifications okay, so this is perplexing. Real head scratcher…
            Have you tried a different email address (using a different platform), in case it’s a “provider-issue”?

            • #136762

              Well I just changed my email (using a different platform) we’ll see what happens.
              Also at the same time lost my Avatar. I have not updated the email on Gravatar.
              At the testing stage at the moment.

              Dell, W10 Professional, 64-bit, Intel Core i7 Quad, Group A

              HP, W7 Home Premium, 64-bit, AMD Phenom II, Group A

            • #136763

              Ok, that probably makes sense, as your gravatar account is associated with a different email address.  When you change it back, after testing, the avatar should return (fingers crossed).

              I do hope you get an email notification this time…  😉

            • #136950

              That fixed the problem, I’m now being notified using Gmail.com email service. Previously I was using hotmail.com web-based email service. Do you have any suggestions as to the reason why hotmail.com is not allowing askwoody.com notifications. I believe I looked at every possible junk email blocking filter. Is there someone at Microsoft that I contact to address this issue?

              Dell, W10 Professional, 64-bit, Intel Core i7 Quad, Group A

              HP, W7 Home Premium, 64-bit, AMD Phenom II, Group A

            • #137033

              Don’t know why, but your replies got caught in the spamfilter. I retrieved them and deleted the duplicates.

            • #137066

              For some reason after clicking the Submit button the reply I typed does not show. This is getting weirder by the moment.

              Dell, W10 Professional, 64-bit, Intel Core i7 Quad, Group A

              HP, W7 Home Premium, 64-bit, AMD Phenom II, Group A

            • #137070

              As to my above reply: That time it showed. When the 1st reply didn’t show I thought I mistakenly clicked cancel instead of submit. So had to type the reply again. I have other replies in other forums on this site, that must of been sent to the spamfilter. Thanks for deleting the duplicates. Trying to fix one problem and another shows up is like sticking needles in your eyes. OK, maybe not that bad.

              Dell, W10 Professional, 64-bit, Intel Core i7 Quad, Group A

              HP, W7 Home Premium, 64-bit, AMD Phenom II, Group A

            • #143559

              Hey @sparky
              I see you have a great colorful Gravatar again – have your various issues with emails/notifications been resolved now?

            • #145054

              No the problem has not been resolved. I have been in contact with outlook.com and they are wondering if askwoody.com is getting bounced-back emails or getting an error message when trying to send a email to me? Can you find that information so I can reply back to them? You can read the conversation on answers.microsoft.com

              I know that I get email notifications when using Gmail.com email service.

              Thanks for the help,


              Dell, W10 Professional, 64-bit, Intel Core i7 Quad, Group A

              HP, W7 Home Premium, 64-bit, AMD Phenom II, Group A

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