• No more Windows Update notifications

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    I would like to consult one of the experts out there:I used to get notifications about available or necessary Windows updates.Lately,since there are so many that are irrelevant or are trying to get one to prepare to download Win 10(which I do not want,I am happy with my Win 7 Home Edition)I have been ignoring(hiding)some updates that I thought are intended the above.Maybe I have hidden one that informs MS about my existence.I don’t know.All I know,that I no longer am notified of any available or needed updates.I have to check(like on the second Tuesday of every month)in order to get them,and occasionally at times,in order not to miss a possibly important one.
    Have I done something wrong(like ignoring an update that informs MS that my computer exists)?
    Thank you.

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    • #1536813

      Might check tomorrow if you got any updates. I just manually checked as I’d had none since 10/21 and there were 29 that probably would have installed tonight but I’m getting them out of the way now.

      Before you wonder "Am I doing things right," ask "Am I doing the right things?"
    • #1536835

      I would like to consult one of the experts out there:I used to get notifications about available or necessary Windows updates. …. All I know,that I no longer am notified of any available or needed updates. I have to check (like on the second Tuesday of every month) in order to get them,and occasionally at times,in order not to miss a possibly important one.
      Have I done something wrong(like ignoring an update that informs MS that my computer exists)?

      Did you install KB3075851 back in August? When I installed that update to “Windows Update Client” I found that the Windows Update notification disappeared from my system tray.

      After I uninstalled KB3075851, I once again got Windows Update notifications in my system tray.

      HOWEVER, uninstalling it also erased my “update history.” I’ve read reports of others who’ve had the very same experience.

      Appears MS is getting Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 users “accustomed” to the Windows 10 way of updates. 🙁

    • #1536839

      There is already a thread about this problem. See the one with five strars.

      • #1536846

        There is already a thread about this problem. See the one with five strars.

        Thanks, found it: http://windowssecrets.com/forums/showthread//170897-Lost-Windows-Update-Icon-in-System-Tray

        Very informative thread

        • #1536880

          Thank you all for replying.It seems that MS is taking revenge on us who desist downloading Win 10.Not only there are no more notices about new updates,but when one manually finds and starts downloading the available ones(which luckily can still be gotten manually,by looking for it!)THERE IS NO SIGN HOW THE DOWNLOADS PROCEED.Initially,when it kept showing progress of download as zero,I restarted the downloading,actually 2-3 times,always with the same negative results(progr.=0%).Until in the history I realized that the download was going on,and it was interrupted every time I re-started it(which I had to clean off afterwards).So now i just ignore this and continue with the download,until it gets to to phase of installing,when it does show the progress.To sum up,I do get the updated,IF i MANUALLY CHECK AND LOOK FOR IT.My computer is set NOT TO AUTOMATICALLY DOWNLOAD UPDATES,but wait for my OK.Thanks again for all your trouble to answer my query!

          • #1536884

            I’m not seeing those updates issues and have had the KB3075851 installed since 8/13/2015 and still have the GWX icon in the Notification Area on my Win7 64-bit.

            Before you wonder "Am I doing things right," ask "Am I doing the right things?"
    • #1537007

      Thank you Berton.My system is 32-bit Win 7.
      I decided just to live with this problem,and just keep checking every once in a while for new updates(or get the info from tech pages I get on the internet).It is also kid of disturbing that I can no longer follow the progress of the update downloads,but I can live with that also if I have to.Not surprised that MS gets nasty if one refuses their “free gift”of win 10.
      I was just hoping that there was an update I may have missed(hidden),that remedies this situation,but it seems that is not the case.

    • #1537031

      You’re welcome, macko1944. I have just finished upgrading a resurrected WinXP Desktop to Win7 Home Premium with SP1 and nearly 200 updates but haven’t been offered Win10 Upgrade yet, probably will get it in the next couple of days.

      Before you wonder "Am I doing things right," ask "Am I doing the right things?"
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