• New File Extensions


    Things are changing so quickly that it is hard to keep track of everything. I had a call from our help desk about some file extensions such as .ani, .jpg, .gif and some others. Is there a list somewhere that tells me the definitions for each file extension?


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    • #536730

      You’ll find quite a long list at What is…

    • #536773

      Chris’s link is an excellent start.

      The extensions you mentioned are as follows:

      ANI = Animated Cursor
      JPG = Image, graphic format common on the Internet
      GIF = Image, graphic format common on the Internet (Compuserver GIF)

      You can find out what Windows thinks these extensions are by opening Windows Explorer, and drilling down the TOOLS => OPTIONS menu. There is a list of file types and the extensions are listed first, followed by the associated type. You can also change what program launches when you double click on one of these files here.

      • #540676

        Edited by DaveA on 04-Sep-01 16:34.

        Added hot link code

        Another source for information on file extensions and their respective formats is http://www.wotsit.org/

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