• Network Drives (Word VBA)


    Hi all,

    I am wondering whether there is a way (using Word VBA) to check to see what network drives the user has access to. Either the drive letter or the share name (preferable). I’d like to check this out for the user and then I plan to list it in a combobox.

    Thanks! confused3

    Viewing 7 reply threads
    • #856370

      Not what you asked, but is Don’s post using BrowseForFolder, and one of the applicable shellspecialfolderconstants of use?

    • #856371

      Not what you asked, but is Don’s post using BrowseForFolder, and one of the applicable shellspecialfolderconstants of use?

    • #856463

      I think we’ve had a post on this in the past few months, so try a search here. It’s probably repeating myself to say: the FileSystemObject has a Drives collection which will include mapped drive letters.

    • #856464

      I think we’ve had a post on this in the past few months, so try a search here. It’s probably repeating myself to say: the FileSystemObject has a Drives collection which will include mapped drive letters.

    • #856564

      As noted in previous reply by jscher2000, the easy way to do this is use Scripting FileSystemObject (FSO) – just loop thru the Drives collection, test the DriveType and ShareName properties for each Drive object found. If DriveType is Remote (constant value 3) then it’s a network drive. If network drive, ShareName property returns UNC path (assumes are connected to network). As alternative to FSO, you can use Windows API functions to do this. For sample, see attached text file, exported code module. GetLogicalDrives function returns all logical drives as a bitmask Long integer value. GetDriveType function gets drive type – note the Windows constants are not same as those used by FSO; user-defined GetDriveTypeString function translates return value to a text string. WNetGetConnection is used to get UNC path. Run EnumDrives() sub to list all drives found, drive type, UNC path (if not network drive, drive letter displayed).

      For FSO code examples, recommend search, many examples have been previously posted.


      • #856742

        For the record, FSO version of routine to enumerate drives:

        Public Sub EnumDrivesFSO()

        Dim fso As FileSystemObject
        Dim drv As Scripting.Drive

        Set fso = New FileSystemObject

        For Each drv In fso.Drives
        Debug.Print drv.DriveLetter & ": " & _
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO(drv.DriveType), _
        "UNC Path: " & drv.ShareName
        Next drv

        Set fso = Nothing
        Set drv = Nothing

        End Sub

        User-defined function to return text string for drive type:

        Private Function GetDriveTypeStringFSO _
        (ByVal lDriveType As Scripting.DriveTypeConst) As String

        Select Case lDriveType
        Case Removable '1
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO = "Removable"
        Case Fixed '2
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO = "Fixed"
        Case Remote '3
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO = "Network"
        Case CDRom '4
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO = "CD"
        Case RamDisk '5
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO = "RAM"
        Case Unknown '0
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO = "Unknown"
        Case Else
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO = "Unknown"
        End Select

        End Function

        The above requires reference set to MS Scripting Runtime library. If this library not available, API methods can be used instead. On network system at work both API & FSO versions of EnumDrives() procedure returned correct results.


        • #856880

          Is this scripting library the same VBScript that’s the culprit in so many attacks? IIRC it’s been recommended for at least a couple of years that it be removed/deactivated unless you use it. Here, of course, you’re using it (if it’s the same one) but how would the security advice affect things when you distribute the app?

          Perhaps the API routines would be more reliable?

          • #856902

            No, I think you’re getting the terminology mixed up. VBScript (official name: “Microsoft

            • #856904

              Thanks for clarifying the difference. It doesn’t sound like I’d be bypassing security policies-our policy is to disable VBScript to block the malware, not to block our capabilities-although it very effectively does that too. I’ll check on this scripting library as it’s either nothing I’ve ever heard of before or when I’ve heard of it in the past I’ve always confused it with VBScript. Trust Microsoft.

            • #856952

              There are a lot of pieces to the puzzle. There are two script execution engines (cscript.exe, wscript.exe) –VBA doesn’t require these — and a few code libraries (e.g., scrrun.dll, vbscript.dll). There are many ways to block scripts from running, so you’ll probably have to do some testing to see how it has impacted your environment.

            • #856995

              Whew! Thanks-didn’t realize there were so many pieces. I’ll have to check it out but I believe that all they do here is delete/disable wscript.exe-but it’s been a year or two since I was last involved in setting up the PC’s. Now I’m more involved in the programming.

            • #856996

              Whew! Thanks-didn’t realize there were so many pieces. I’ll have to check it out but I believe that all they do here is delete/disable wscript.exe-but it’s been a year or two since I was last involved in setting up the PC’s. Now I’m more involved in the programming.

            • #856905

              Thanks for clarifying the difference. It doesn’t sound like I’d be bypassing security policies-our policy is to disable VBScript to block the malware, not to block our capabilities-although it very effectively does that too. I’ll check on this scripting library as it’s either nothing I’ve ever heard of before or when I’ve heard of it in the past I’ve always confused it with VBScript. Trust Microsoft.

          • #856903

            No, I think you’re getting the terminology mixed up. VBScript (official name: “Microsoft

        • #856881

          Is this scripting library the same VBScript that’s the culprit in so many attacks? IIRC it’s been recommended for at least a couple of years that it be removed/deactivated unless you use it. Here, of course, you’re using it (if it’s the same one) but how would the security advice affect things when you distribute the app?

          Perhaps the API routines would be more reliable?

      • #856743

        For the record, FSO version of routine to enumerate drives:

        Public Sub EnumDrivesFSO()

        Dim fso As FileSystemObject
        Dim drv As Scripting.Drive

        Set fso = New FileSystemObject

        For Each drv In fso.Drives
        Debug.Print drv.DriveLetter & ": " & _
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO(drv.DriveType), _
        "UNC Path: " & drv.ShareName
        Next drv

        Set fso = Nothing
        Set drv = Nothing

        End Sub

        User-defined function to return text string for drive type:

        Private Function GetDriveTypeStringFSO _
        (ByVal lDriveType As Scripting.DriveTypeConst) As String

        Select Case lDriveType
        Case Removable '1
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO = "Removable"
        Case Fixed '2
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO = "Fixed"
        Case Remote '3
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO = "Network"
        Case CDRom '4
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO = "CD"
        Case RamDisk '5
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO = "RAM"
        Case Unknown '0
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO = "Unknown"
        Case Else
        GetDriveTypeStringFSO = "Unknown"
        End Select

        End Function

        The above requires reference set to MS Scripting Runtime library. If this library not available, API methods can be used instead. On network system at work both API & FSO versions of EnumDrives() procedure returned correct results.


    • #856565

      As noted in previous reply by jscher2000, the easy way to do this is use Scripting FileSystemObject (FSO) – just loop thru the Drives collection, test the DriveType and ShareName properties for each Drive object found. If DriveType is Remote (constant value 3) then it’s a network drive. If network drive, ShareName property returns UNC path (assumes are connected to network). As alternative to FSO, you can use Windows API functions to do this. For sample, see attached text file, exported code module. GetLogicalDrives function returns all logical drives as a bitmask Long integer value. GetDriveType function gets drive type – note the Windows constants are not same as those used by FSO; user-defined GetDriveTypeString function translates return value to a text string. WNetGetConnection is used to get UNC path. Run EnumDrives() sub to list all drives found, drive type, UNC path (if not network drive, drive letter displayed).

      For FSO code examples, recommend search, many examples have been previously posted.


    • #856982

      Something like this:

      Option Explicit
          Private Declare Function GetDriveType Lib "kernel32" Alias _
          "GetDriveTypeA" (ByVal sDrive As String) As Long
      '        Const DRIVE_TYPE_UNDTERMINED = 0
      '        Const DRIVE_ROOT_NOT_EXIST = 1
      '        Const DRIVE_REMOVABLE = 2
      '        Const DRIVE_FIXED = 3
      '        Const DRIVE_REMOTE = 4
      '        Const DRIVE_CDROM = 5
      '        Const DRIVE_RAMDISK = 6
      Sub ShowNetworkedDrives()
          Dim iCounter As Integer
          For iCounter = 65 To 90
              If GetDriveType(Chr(iCounter) & ":") = "4" Then
                  msgbox "Drive " & Chr(iCounter) & " is a network drive"
              End If
      End Sub
    • #856983

      Something like this:

      Option Explicit
          Private Declare Function GetDriveType Lib "kernel32" Alias _
          "GetDriveTypeA" (ByVal sDrive As String) As Long
      '        Const DRIVE_TYPE_UNDTERMINED = 0
      '        Const DRIVE_ROOT_NOT_EXIST = 1
      '        Const DRIVE_REMOVABLE = 2
      '        Const DRIVE_FIXED = 3
      '        Const DRIVE_REMOTE = 4
      '        Const DRIVE_CDROM = 5
      '        Const DRIVE_RAMDISK = 6
      Sub ShowNetworkedDrives()
          Dim iCounter As Integer
          For iCounter = 65 To 90
              If GetDriveType(Chr(iCounter) & ":") = "4" Then
                  msgbox "Drive " & Chr(iCounter) & " is a network drive"
              End If
      End Sub
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