• .NET & Office 11 (.NET/Office 11)

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    I just noticed this on ZDNet about .NET and Office 11 titled “Office 11 gains developer tools”. It looks like the link many have been waiting for. It will be nice to use VB.NET or C# to code Office 11 apps/macros…(If I read it correctly).



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    • #637767

      From the horse’s mouth, so to speak: Introducing “Visual Studio Tools for Office”[indent]

      “Visual Studio Tools for Office” is scheduled to be available simultaneously with “Office 11” general availability in mid-2003. Packaging and pricing will be announced at that time.

      [/indent]This would be new: charging people who own both the dev tools and Office to automate Office from their dev tools. frown

      • #637855


        Is this any different than Office Developer in previous versions of Office? They charged extra for that. But that was additional utilities and tools. shrug hairout

        I’ll let Woody king sort this out.

        It’s not like I’ll be seeing this anytime soon. We’re still running Office 2000, and we didn’t pay the software assur-er-blackmail. There’s no plans of upgrading.


      • #637928

        Dag nab it!

        Now I gotta read those papers instead of watching football (American style) games this weekend.

      • #638100

        I would guess that anyone purchasing the VS .Net Enterprise Architect flavor
        would get the Tools for Office in the bundle.

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