Is there a limit to the number of IFs you can nest?
I have a bunch of characters I need to evaluate and return one of three words. (I don’t seem to be able to use ranges because they’re a mix of letters and numbers.) My format is working, but as soon as the formula wraps to a second line, it stops working. The whole thing looks like this: =IF(B2=X123,”ONE”,IF(B2=X133,”ONE”,IF(B2=X143,”ONE”,IF(B2=X250,”ONE”,IF(B2=X350,”ONE”,IF(B2=X450,”ONE”,IF(B2=X380,”TWO”,IF(B2=X390,”TWO”,IF(B2=X900,”TWO”,”THREE”))))))))) — the values are fictitious, but suffice it to say they’re overlapping ranges.
If I shorten the formula so it stays on one line, it works fine, which tells me I probably have the formatting right . Of course, I can’t do that!
Any ideas of why this is happening, how to get around it, or maybe how to do what I need another way? (I’m kind of an intermediate Excel user, btw.)