• Nested IFs (Excel 2002)

    • This topic has 14 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 21 years ago.

    Is there a limit to the number of IFs you can nest?

    I have a bunch of characters I need to evaluate and return one of three words. (I don’t seem to be able to use ranges because they’re a mix of letters and numbers.) My format is working, but as soon as the formula wraps to a second line, it stops working. The whole thing looks like this: =IF(B2=X123,”ONE”,IF(B2=X133,”ONE”,IF(B2=X143,”ONE”,IF(B2=X250,”ONE”,IF(B2=X350,”ONE”,IF(B2=X450,”ONE”,IF(B2=X380,”TWO”,IF(B2=X390,”TWO”,IF(B2=X900,”TWO”,”THREE”))))))))) — the values are fictitious, but suffice it to say they’re overlapping ranges.

    If I shorten the formula so it stays on one line, it works fine, which tells me I probably have the formatting right grin. Of course, I can’t do that! frown

    Any ideas of why this is happening, how to get around it, or maybe how to do what I need another way? (I’m kind of an intermediate Excel user, btw.)

    Viewing 5 reply threads
    • #796161

      7 nested functions: For workarounds see Chip Pearson’s site or John Walkenbach’s site


      • #796165

        Thanks so much. That gives me someplace to go, anyway!

        • #796183

          If you need additional help, please post back.


          • #796343

            Actually, I ended up using CONCATENATE, the & form of it. Works like a charm and should be easy enough for others to understand.

            Thanks for everyone’s replies!

          • #796344

            Actually, I ended up using CONCATENATE, the & form of it. Works like a charm and should be easy enough for others to understand.

            Thanks for everyone’s replies!

        • #796184

          If you need additional help, please post back.


        • #796175

          (Edited by JohnBF on 08-Mar-04 12:17. Added then corrected formula.)

          In appropriate circumstances, =CHOOSE(arg,return if 1,return if 2, return if 3, etc …) can also be useful for this kind of problem. See if


          works for you.

        • #796176

          (Edited by JohnBF on 08-Mar-04 12:17. Added then corrected formula.)

          In appropriate circumstances, =CHOOSE(arg,return if 1,return if 2, return if 3, etc …) can also be useful for this kind of problem. See if


          works for you.

      • #796166

        Thanks so much. That gives me someplace to go, anyway!

    • #796162

      7 nested functions: For workarounds see Chip Pearson’s site or John Walkenbach’s site


    • #796169

      Take a look at VLOOKUP. You can place your values in a table and be able to return the answer based on some criteria.

    • #796170

      Take a look at VLOOKUP. You can place your values in a table and be able to return the answer based on some criteria.

    • #796245

      The nesting limit is 7. This could easily be done by building a table on another worksheet and using VLOOKUP to get the value from the table.

    • #796246

      The nesting limit is 7. This could easily be done by building a table on another worksheet and using VLOOKUP to get the value from the table.

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