• Nero Replacement?

    • This topic has 20 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago.

    Well, after stabalizing and monitoring my machine subsequent to the disabling of two Nero TSRs, I’ve backed up and done some catching up on software update installs, i.e. Firefox, Thunderbird, PaintDogNet and a few others. So, last night I was ready to tackle my “German Nero” problem again and I can’t believe the problems I had. I went to Control Panel’s Add/Remove trying to uninstall Nero and all I got was a silly little error window saying “Installation Failed.” A Google yields loads of hits with people having the same problem with Nero removal, going back a long time! A number of responders recommended Nero’s own removal tool (here: Download General-CleanTool.zip ). Although it too is in German, I got a failure message here as well (didn’t write it down).

    I was in the process of trying to start a manual, brute force removal when I decided that being dog-tired is no time for doing this kind of work, so I went to bed instead. Well, this morning the removal tool somehow DID work (see attachment grin ) so I guess I was too tired last night. FINALLY, pesky Nero “seems” to be clear of my computer and I don’t know yet if I’m willing to try again with the more up to date version recommended by Sinjin in a previous thread.

    So, here’s my question: is there another piece of burning software that Loungers like that might not be so problematic? (i.e. why are there SO MANY hits from folks having trouble trying to REMOVE Nero?)

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    • #1055661

      What specifically do you want the program to do Al? I know of numerous well-regarded programs, but each is geared to something more specific than Nero e.g. backup, copy CD/DVD, make data CD…


      • #1055663

        Never thought to say, Alan, sorry. Really MY needs are simple as I have not yet gotten into DVD work of any kind since I bought this machine a year ago. About all I ever to is burn “data” or “music” (CDA) to disks, and on rare occasion I’ll copy a CD or from a downloaded program burn (expand) an ISO file to disk.

        • #1055665

          This may be very naive, but if your needs are simple, do you really need any extraneous software? Windows XP has built-in support for burning data CDs, and Windows Media Player lets you create audio CDs.

          • #1055667

            That’s an excellent question, Hans. For some reason I can’t even remember, I’ve been “nervous” about using XP’s drag-n-drop to burn CDs. I don’t remember whether I’ve heard people grousing about it or not. And you’re right in that I DO use not only WMP but iTunes as well for burning CDA disks, usually to carry around in my car or whatever… I guess I’ve been a Nero user since before XP came along, back when Roxio was a bit problematic for many of us.

            • #1055675

              I agree with Hans. If your needs are basic then the software you already have will do everything you want simply and easily. When I work on a client’s machine and they need something backed up or copied off their machine I invariably go to Windows Explorer and drag and drop the data to the CD-RW drive and then just follow the prompts. Couldn’t be easier. And you’ve already got a system in place to burn your music CDs. I’d leave well enough alone. ‘course, that’s just my 2cents smile

          • #1055680

            Windows XP will not burn DVD’s, these require a third party.

            I have been using Roxio Creator 8 and it burns what I want.

            DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
            Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

            • #1055711

              > Windows XP will not burn DVD’s

              I know, Dave, but Al wrote “I have not yet gotten into DVD work of any kind”.

            • #1055712

              Yeah! I’ve had this computer for 10 months and only recently got around to buying a tube of blank DVDs, just so’s I’ll be ready when the time comes. My car stereo isn’t DVD, so I’ve not yet had a need, but I’m sure my time will come.

              By the way, I’m liking what I see so far in CDBurnerXP Pro for my needs.

            • #1055728

              I use more DVDs for copying files than I do CDs. The DVDs hold so much more.

              DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
              Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

      • #1055666

        I also should have said, giving credit where credit is due, that some time ago you posted this link for freeware: eConsultant. It’s been in my bookmarks ever since, and this morning I saw CDBurnerXP Pro at the top of their list of CD software. So, I’ll be taking a look at a Swedish program rather than a German one… anigrin

        There’s probably others, maybe not so free…

      • #1055697


        First off, something was/is certainly wrong if you are only seeing “German” in Nero and in the Removal Tool. That alone would disturb me to no end. Perhaps that would be a good subject for discussion in its own thread? If nothing else, if you were motivated to pursue this matter, you might want to visit this forum here where there are a couple of Nero representatives who actively participate and field questions, e.g., CCampbell: Nero (Formerly Ahead Software Forum.

        Secondly, for a really easy-to-follow tutorial on burning CD’s using XP’s native burning utility, see here: Burning CDs in Windows XP.

        Lastly, I have heard good things about: AShampoo Burning Studio. The one item it lacks is a packet writing utility, e.g., such as Nero InCD or Roxio Direct2Disc. But if you have no need for “RW” media, that shouldn’t be a problem.


        • #1055698

          Thanks to everyone for the tips and software leads. I don’t yet know what my DVD needs might be in the future, so I’m not too sure what direction to take. Right now, I’ve installed the freebie I mentioned up above and I’ll see how that one goes for awhile.

          Jeff: I’ve made a few posts more or less grousing about this Nero thing and from what I’ve seen in Googling around about removal problems, I’m not too inclined to bother with their forums. Here’s just a few of the threads: post 625,439 and post 626,390 and post 635,660 just to name a few.

          • #1055703


            It’s your PC and you can obviously do as you like. I provided the link because at least one other person had that problem, although the language was Japanese in his case, and it was resolved. And perhaps more importantly, your question would doubtless be answered from a genuine Nero tech (aka: the source) rather than from those who mean well but who may not know the real cause nor provide a legitimate “fix”. grin


            • #1055708

              Boy, I hope you didn’t take offense at my remarks, Jeff, ’cause I meant none! I’m sure your link will be valuable to many who read this thread. It’s just that NOW it’s water under the bridge, so to speak, since I’ve managed to successfully remove the Nero FAMILY of products. I’d have to point someone at Nero to these boards in order to re-state all the things that have happened to me in my Nero adventure for I don’t know if I could write down everything that I experienced now that it’s after-the-fact.

              I guess the truth is, as has been observed above, my needs are much simpler than what the Nero software has “become” in recent times. All I EVER needed was the “product” called Nero Burning ROM and all the other stuff like Nero Home, Scout, Start Smart, etc. just got in the way of a simple installation. Last, but certainly not least, was the myriad of documentation that has to be separately downloaded. I’ve never had any complaints about the way Nero aided me in disc creation, by the way! Nero Burning ROM worked flawlessly.

    • #1056532

      I also disliked some of the ways the new Nero worked so I uninstalled everything except the Burning program. I intend to add Recode and Vision back in when an update occurs. Since you have successfully uninstalled the program, you may try a custom install of the latest version (still with the Burning program only.

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