• Need lots of Win7 updates!

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    Hi All,

    I used to be a pro member but had understood that updates for Win7 would no longer occur so dropped my membership and stopped updating my system. I know – not a good thing. So now I realize that Microsoft is still updating Win7 and need the best, easiest, simplest way to get my Win7 SP1 64bit updated. Any advice is most appreciated!

    PS I’ll back-up to Macrium Reflect before I do anything 😀

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    • #2375427

      So you’ve purchased the ESU?  Or you want to go the 0patch way?  Microsoft is still updating windows 7 but only officially if you purchase a multi year license.  Otherwise you can follow the 0patch method  Pricing and Plans – 0patch

      Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

    • #2375431

      Otherwise you can follow the 0patch method  Pricing and Plans – 0patch

      To go 0Patch Pro Windows 7 has to be updated up to the last update before EOL, Jan. 14 2020.

    • #2375455

      So you’ve purchased the ESU?  Or you want to go the 0patch way?  Microsoft is still updating windows 7 but only officially if you purchase a multi year license.  Otherwise you can follow the 0patch method  Pricing and Plans – 0patch

      There are other options. The OP should search this Forum.

    • #2375525

      Thanks, everyone. No, I’ve not purchased the ESU. I’m fairly sure that my system was completely updated prior to EOL. Is 0Patch safe, secure, reliable, legal, etc.? I see anonymous wrote that there are other options, but I’m not sure what she/he means by “OP should search this forum.”

      I’m just a little, old granny who noodles around a few hours a day tracking down my ancestors and sending some emails. I do run antivirus, etc. and since I stopped updating I’ve not had any problems. My laptop, printer and TV are on a wireless network, and it’s PW protected. Should I really be concerned? I had read about the latest hack and that it can effect Win7, so started worrying.

      Thanks again!

    • #2375540


      Dear Granny,

      The link above is the thread I had in mind when I wrote “search the forum”.

      Unfortunately, the update method under discussion there, while not requiring a PhD in computer science, demands more than “one click and you’re done”. There’s some reading – and understanding – involved, but the system under discussion will definitely enable you to update your machine for now and the foreseeable future.

      If genealogy research and email is really all you do, you may not really need to update your system, BUT – BUT – BUT you definitely need to be careful or what links you click in the emails you receive!

      Even if you get an email that looks like it’s from one of your grandchildren, WATCH OUT! Her or his account (wherever) could have been hacked, and the email isn’t really from Susie or Tommy, but rather from an Internet Nasty who’s out to get you.

      The bad news is that the bad people can get us no matter how up to date our systems are or how many layers of security we have in place. What the bad people are betting on is that as soon as we see a mail purporting to be from Susie or Tommy, we’ll drop our defenses and click whatever our “little darling” has sent us. And that one innocent click is enough to spell our doom.

      Sorry for the drama, but I was trying to make a point.

      Good luck.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2375665

        thanks so much! Yes, I’ve been using the internet nearly since it was available so know to be extremely careful and firefox blocks uncertified sites which helps tremendously. Since my laptop is running great without a year or so of updates provided through the ESU or 0P I think that I’ll stop worrying.

    • #2375556

      Is 0Patch safe, secure, reliable, legal, etc.

      0Patch Pro is safe, secure, reliable, legal, etc.
      0Patch support patching other software installed beside Windows 7 (and Windows 10..)

      ESU will cost $420 for 3 years while 0Patch Pro is ~$29 a year.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2375716

      thanks so much! Yes, I’ve been using the internet nearly since it was available so know to be extremely careful and firefox blocks uncertified sites which helps tremendously. Since my laptop is running great without a year or so of updates provided through the ESU or 0P I think that I’ll stop worrying.

      The updates, if anything, might make your machine run worse. Therefore, if you do update, you might want to opt for the “security-only” variety rather than “quality-security”or whatever they’re called.

      The point is that the updates theoretically contain code changes that address newly discovered threats. IMNSHO, the “quality” aspect is mostly window dressing.

      It’s sort of like the old story, “My grandpa drank two bottles of whisky and smoked three packs of cigarettes a day until he died in his sleep in perfect health at 107”.

      It seems like karma has something to do with the necessity to update or not.

      • #2375724

        😉 If I did update I’d be doing the security only updates like I did in the past. Love your quote! Don’t want to jinx things, but “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” comes to mind. Thanks so much!

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