• Need help upgrading Win10 1903 to 1909


    Current OS:  Windows 10 Version 1903 HOME OS Build 18362.1082.

    In the past, I have requested and always received very knowledgeable/helpful information concerning various computer problems. My latest issue is related to upgrading from 1903 to 1909.  Every time I start the upgrade, I discontinue it because I am very uncertain as to the exact process and don’t want to s**** up my system. Therefore, could someone post a step-by-step procedure for upgrading from 1903 to 1909? I recently paused Windows Update back to October 25, 2020 since I received the message that version 2004 was ready to be installed. I would just like to move up to 1909 until I am forced to install 2004 in the far-off future. Since my system informed me it is ready to install 2004, will this create a problem if I try to upgrade to 1909?  I realize many users on Woody’s site are very proficient in operating their computers; however, for novices like me, confusion arises concerning issues such as “mount the ISO on your PC” (how?), whether to use File Explorer or a USB?, whether to do a “clean install” or just do an upgrade. Therefore, for the less talented users, a step-by-step explanation would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you for your assistance.


    I received the following reply from PKCano:

    September 20, 2020 at 6:14 pm#2297673REPLY | REPORTnew


    Da Boss

    Topics: 128

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    Do you have Home or Pro Edition?
    Is your ID a Local ID or a Microsoft ID?
    If you want individual help with this, please create a new topic in the Windows 1903 Forum. Copy the contents of the above post into the topic and include the answer to the above two questions. You could name the topic “Need help upgrading Win10 1903 to 1909”

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    • #2297903

      Every time I start the upgrade, I discontinue it because I am very uncertain as to the exact process

      Let’s start with some basic questions. We need ALL the answers so we know where to start, because we probably need to do a cleanup first.
      + Have you been using Windows Update? Is the computer up to date (when was the last update)?
      + Have you been using any third-party update blockers? If so, which one(s)?
      + What happened the last time you discontinued the upgrade to 2004? Did it roll back to 1903? Is the upgrade still in progress?
      + Have you hidden the upgrade with wushowhide? Is it in the “Download and install” section of Windows Update?

      • #2297920
        1. Yes, I have been using Windows Update manually. Per Woody’s suggestion, I usually delay updates the maximum number of days and then a few days before the delay time span is completed, I manually go to Settings/Update & Security/Resume Updates. The computer is up-to-date and the last update was completed on September 13, 2020 with the following:
          1. Microsoft Edge Update for Windows 10 Version 1903          KB4576754]
          2. Cumulative Update for .Net Framework 3.5 and 4.8               [KB4576484]
          3. Cumulative Update for Windows 10                                          [KB4574727]
        2. I have no idea what a third-party update blocker is and have never installed any type of “blocker”, so my answer would have to be NO.
        3. I did not let the computer upgrade to 2004. I had received a message that 2004 was ready for installation. That was when I placed the delay on any further updates. I may be incorrect, but I think the message stated that 2004 had been downloaded and was ready for installation; however, I am not sure of the exact wording of the message. I am still in version 1903. I do not believe the upgrade is still in progress, but once again, I am not sure how to check. Right now my updates are set to continue on October 25, 2020.
        4. I have not hidden the upgrade nor ever used wushowhide. I apologize, but I cannot find the “Download and Install” section of Windows update.
    • #2297931

      All right. First step before you make any changes, you need a current full disk image of your computer, a separate file backup of your User data, and a bootable Rescue disk. It is the only way you will be able to go back if the upgrade fails.
      Do you have these?

      • #2298249

        I will do a full disk system image tomorrow, I have a thumb drive backup of all my data files such as Excel, Word, etc. (if that is what you mean by “backup of your User data”), and I have a bootable Rescue disk.

    • #2298252

      Your User data is everything under C:\Users\<your ID>.
      Let me know when you have the image made.

      The Rescue disk should give you access to your backup software.

      • #2298720

        First of all, I want to thank you for your assistance in helping me to update my computer to version 1909.

        I just finished the following: (1) created a full system image, (2) backed up my User Data, and (3) created a bootable rescue disk.


        • #2298723

          Please log in. It will be faster to help you if you don’t have to wait for moderation 🙂

    • #2298722

      OK, next step is to download the IOS from Heidoc.net.
      Download the Windows and Office ISO Download Tool and place it on your desktop.
      Run the tool.
      From the list of ISOs, choose the one for Win10 version 1909 with the latest date. If it gives you a choice, make sure you get the HOME Edition, since that is what you have.
      Download the ISO to you Desktop – it is a big file so it may take some time to download.
      If you want to save it, copy/paste it to your external HDD as well.
      One piece of information we need is how much free space you have on your C: drive.

      Once you have the ISO, we will do some cleanup before we start the installation.
      So let me know when you are ready. (I am usually around from 4:00am-8:00pm Central Time)

    • #2298962

      I just completed downloading Win10_1909_ENGLISH_X64.iso.

      My C:drive shows the following:

      Used space:     149 GB

      Free space:     768 GB

      Capacity:     917 GB




    • #2298978

      OK, then let’s do some prep work.

      + Turn off Fast Startup
      Control Panel\Power Options\Choose what the Power button does

      You need to UNCHECK Fast Startup  if it is checked (You may have to click on “Change settings that are currently unavailable”)

      + Run Disk Cleanup
      In the taskbar search box type Disk Cleanup
      Right click on it and choose “Run as Administrator
      Most of the boxes need to be checked with exceptions:
      If you don’t want to empty the Recycle Bin, uncheck that box.
      The box “Downloaded Program Files” is system and needs to be checked.
      The box that says just “Downloads” is your Download Folder, needs to be UNCHECKED.
      UNCHECK the Shader cache box.
      If you have any Language Resources, UNCHECK that box.
      The rest of the boxes should be checked.
      Choose OK and Delete files.
      This may take a good while. When it finishes, reboot the computer.

      + Check system integrity
      Create an elevated Command Prompt: type cmd.exe in the taskbar search box, right click on it and “Run as Administrator” – It will open a Command Prompt.
      In the elevated Command Prompt type (or copy/paste):
      DISM /online /cleanup-image /Restorehealth
      This will take some time to run – write down and report back any error messages you get.
      When it finishes type (or copy/paste):
      sfc /scannow
      Write down and report back any error messages you get.

      The next step will be the install from the ISO. Let me know the outcome of the two commands.

      • #2299004


        You’re doing such a detailed, explicit & thorough job of guiding this guy through the process, I suggest that when you are done, you combine your relevant posts into one and then make it a “sticky.”


        • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Zig.
      • #2299070

        Even though I did not have a clue what I was doing, your instructions were comprehensive and easily understood, and amazingly got me through the process without any trouble. Thank you very much.

        After running DISM /online /cleanup-image /Restorehealth, I received the following messages:

        The restore operation completed successfully.

        The operation completed successfully.

        After running sfc /scannow, I received the following messages:

        Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them. For online repairs, details are included in the CBS log file located at windir\Logs\CBS\CBS.log. For example, C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log. For offline repairs, details are included in the log file provided by the /OFFLOGFILE flag.

    • #2299084

      Be sure you have a couple of hours free for this.
      Let me know if you have any questions.

      The next step is the install. But first, you need to disconnect from your network. That means wired AND wireless. It will also probably help to turn off your antivirus for the duration unless you are using Defender.

      Once you do that, right click on the ISO file on your desktop and choose “Open with File/Windows Explorer” (not Internet Explorer). That should create a new drive letter in Explorer with the files in the ISO visible by clicking on that drive letter. You should see the file setup.exe – to start the install, double click on setup.exe

      Important – read before starting the install:
      + It may ask you to go online and look for updates and drivers several times during the install. The answer is NO (you are not connected to the Internet).
      + It will ask you what to save. The answer is Your apps and your data.
      + Be patient, it’s going to churn and reboot and churn some more.
      + You may get a “Privacy Page” at the end asking how much you will let Microsoft have access to – consider each of the “intrusions to your privacy” carefully.
      + In the event the install fails, it should roll back to v1903.
      + After it finishes, log in. There are some things you should do before you reconnect to the Internet. If you are using Pause to prevent updates, be sure you have pause set when you go online. Also, if you have any special settings you have made in the Settings App, check to be sure they are still where you put them.
      + In the taskbar search box type winver and press enter. If the Build is 18362.1082, you are still on v1903 and the upgrade failed. If it is 18363.592 (or some other .xxx number) you are on v1909 and you may have some updates to do.

      After the install:
      Right click on the ISO file and choose “Eject” or “Dismount” – that should remove the extra drive letter that was created.
      When you reconnect to the Internet, you will be in the same situation you would be if you needed to do updates. So, connect to the Internet, use Metered connections and wushowhide or whatever you would normally do.
      Let me know where you stand.

    • #2299098

      I read thru your instructions and have 2 questions—

      Question #1: I disconnected from the internet and disabled my ESET Security Suite by clicking on “Pause until Reboot”. Will this create a problem while the computer is “churning and rebooting” in that I assume when the computer reboots, it will automatically enable my ESET. I tried going into Task Manager under the Startup tab and tried to disable ESET, but it would not permit me to disable it.

      Question #2:  Wushowhide? To disable updates, I always just paused for the maximum number of days, then the day before updates were to “unpause”, I would click on resume updates. I have never used wushowhide. Will I just be able to continue the manner in which I paused updates?

      • #2299112

        #1 It won’t turn ESET back on until the install is complete, so disabling till reboot will actually work OK.

        #2 At the end, after the install and you reconnect to the Internet, it will be like the day you start your computer, with Pause set, but after Patch Tuesday (there are updates released that you haven’t installed yet). So if you have Pause set before you reconnect, you shouldn’t have any updates showing. So you do whatever you usually do under those circumstances. Like the day after Patch Tues and you have Pause set.

        Once we determine what version/Build you are on, I will let you know about getting up to date with patches.

        • #2299140

          You are not only “Da Boss”, you are “Da Man”.

          Your directions worked perfectly!!  I have Windows 10 version 1909 Build 18363.418.

          I paused updates before I connected to the internet until October 31, 2020.

          Everything has worked fine and I don’t want to screw things up now, so I have one final question (you hope!): After the install, you stated to right click on the ISO file and choose “Eject” or “Dismount”. I am right clicking on the Desktop shortcut “Win10_1909_ENGLISH_X64.iso”. There are no options for Eject or Dismount. What am I doing wrong?

          • #2299141

            I guess the rebooting dismounted the ISO for you. You don’t need to keep it on your computer. But if you want to keep it for later, copy it to external storage and delete it off your computer. It’s BIG.

            You need to do updates to get up to Build 18363.1082 (Sept updates)
            You can do this the same way as if it were Patch Tuesday. Whatever method you use to update your computer on v1903 normally, use it to update v1909. When you get it updated, set the Pause back to where it is now.

            If you have any problems, let me know.

            1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #2299167

              Everything is working great. I did a final update and all is well. Thanks  once again for your time and expertise. Your directions/explanations were specific and spot-on. Thanks again!

            • #2299168

              Good job! Glad everything is working.

    • #2299210

      Now it’s time to make a fresh image backup. Don’t want to go through that lot again.  (:

      cheers, Paul

    • #2299278

      After the install:
      Right click on the ISO file and choose “Eject” or “Dismount” – that should remove the extra drive letter that was created.

      I tried this and it did not work for me. Ejecting the drive in explorer works fine though.


      Just because you don't know where you are going doesn't mean any road will get you there.
    • #2310051

      this recent Neowin article just came out

      Microsoft starts force-upgrading users on Windows 10 1903 to 1909

      the 1903 version will go out of support on December 2020.
      upgrade now to 1909 or higher or Microsoft will force upgrade with an open internet connection

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