• Navigational Sounds in Chredge

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    Since I have been hearing impaired, it has been very helpful to use IE’s built-in navigation sounds. Those who have used them know what I’m talking about: even those who do not suffer from hearing impairment will find it useful to receive auditory alerts, both when they click on a link (send request) and another when the page has been loaded.

    With the change from IE to Chredge, this function has been removed, and even those browsers that previously supported extensions for that purpose, were leaving them aside. One option was to use Waterfox Classic, which supports extensions in the xpi format, but the extension I needed stopped working on it and I had to migrate to Chredge, using “Sound on Click” for this browser, an extension from the Chrome Store that , I foresaw it due to the trend that the various browsers have been following, it has also already been discontinued there.

    In order to prevent that utility from keeping me, I “packed” the files with that extension, hoping that it would allow me to continue using it, as it has been.

    Those who want to take advantage of it and incorporate the navigation sounds to Chredge, can download the zip file: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=64D73FB013AE8DBF%21137&cid=64D73FB013AE8DBF

    Once the file is unzipped, you can unpack it in Chredge: write “edge: // extensions” in the address bar, enable “Driver mode” and “Allow extensions from other stores”. In the upper part choose “Load unpacked”, choose the folder to which the zip file was unzipped and accept. Restarting Chredge will have the navigation sounds installed.

    You can use the sounds that you prefer, changing the files in the folder “sound.mp3” and “switchSound.mp3”, which are to start navigation and navigation completed, respectively, by those who choose, but do not forget to give them the same respective name . I hope it can be useful to you.

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