• Name manager 2.1 released (97, 2000, XP)

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    • This topic has 9 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 21 years ago.


    Matthew Henson (mhenson@mac.com) who ensured the utility works on Mac Excel too.


    Now, that is good news. I use Excel 2002 at work, but Excel 2001 on a Mac at home. Thank you

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    • #645258

      (Edited by Leif on 13-Mar-04 17:09. to update link to http://www.bmsltd.ie/)

      Hi All,

      Here’s to announce I’ve just released a new version of the Name manager utility.

      Find it at http://www.bmsltd.ie/mvp%5B/url%5D


      If you are in need of a utility to manage defined names in your workbooks, this one is a must-have. List all names in your active workbook. Filter them using 13 filters, e.g. “With external references”, “With errors”, Hidden, Visible. Show just names that contain a substring. Show just names unused in worksheet cells. Edit them in a simple dialog or make a list, edit the list and update all names in one go. Delete, hide, unhide selected names with a single mouse click.
      Now available: version 2.1 of the name manager, created in collaboration with Charles Williams, http://www.decisionmodels.com and Matthew Henson (mhenson@mac.com) who ensured the utility works on Mac Excel too.
      Quite some new features have been added!!!

      • #646154

        Jan Karel, your Name Manager is fantastic! I just inherited a bunch of templates for data collection that expected everything to be the same size and in the same place, so there are a lot of named ranges. Now, they have different information in the header and the instrument running at a different resolution, so most all of the named input ranges are in the wrong place and are the wrong size. “Just a few changes” and it will work with the new data! Wrong! without your Name Manager, it would be hairout.

        One simple request, make the List button use the filtered list so you could printout the unused names. One hard request for the wish list, even a simple finder for VBA use of names would be wonderful. Simple being defined as just finding RANGE(“xxx”), where xxx is a Name. Thanks again! –Sam

        • #646519


          use the filtered list so you could printout the unused names

          Good idea.
          I’ll put this on the wish list for a future version.


          One hard request for the wish list, even a simple finder for VBA use of names would be wonderful.

          We’ve thought about that. Another one for the list I guess. But there is also the many objects to search in, if we really want to know whether a name is not used…

          • #646570


            But there is also the many objects to search in, if we really want to know whether a name is not used…

            It’s just a simple matter of writing a VBA code parser. wink

          • #646838

            If you’re adding to your future fix list duck …. how about adding a ‘select all’ in the With Errors list so I can delete all names with errors in them at once instead of pushing Delete 100 times. I had inherited a workbook with 128 names with errors (out of total of 338) and used NamesManager to get rid of them.

            I did get an error once when I tried to view the contents of a name… I’ll test it more and get back with you on how/when it occurs.

            Good job!

            • #646926

              No fix needed. If you press the multi button, you are enabled to select (control or shift-click or drag) one or more names in the (filtered) list and hide, unhide or delete them all in one go.

      • #646887

        This is a really useful utility and has already saved me quite a lot of work.
        Thank you for making it available.

        One small problem I have found is when filtering for unused names, the utility does not recognise names that are used in the Data Validation function where the validation source is a list having a defined name.
        Another potential addtion to the wish list maybe?

        • #646927

          Yes, I would really like to add that, but where would I stop:

          – formula property of a picture
          – source range of pivot tables
          – source range of charts
          – formula property of chart titles
          – objects positioned on charts with a formula
          – comboboxes on sheets
          – listboxes
          – spinner controls
          – …..

          And there are more, I’m sure.

          It would indeed be useful, but the effort to build this is tremendous. The time it would take would be equally impressive smile

          What I would advise is to download FINDLINK.ZIP from the Excel MVP Page listed below and use that to search for a suspicious name in (nearly) all objects of a workbook. Only drawback is that it only searches one name at the time.

          • #647349

            > where would I stop
            Don’t stop, we love it!

            One for the wish list:
            I usually only want to know if a particular Name is used. Now, I have to filter the entire list to show unused names.

            Thanks again for a very useful tool! I am using it constantly since I am not the author of the books that I am modifying.

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