I am Win10/Pro, 22H2, patched through the March updates.
Today, my laptop suddenly took a notion to move my Desktop folder (or maybe my mouse cursor slipped a bit when I was moving a file to a folder). The Desktop folder is supposed to be directly under my personal folder, but it was suddenly demoted so that it now occurs inside a personally created subfolder of my personal folder. Here is a schematic of the original file structure of the directories inside my personal folder and the new (but unwanted) file structure that has the Desktop folder in the wrong place.
In the schematic, the folders are numbered, but they aren’t really there in the folder name; I’ve just numbered them here to show their position under MPF (=My Personal Folder) and to show where the Desktop folder landed after this mysterious ‘move’. The Desktop folder is now one level deeper, inside Current Topics, a folder that I had created a long time ago. It had only files in it, but after the move/relocation, it now has a folder in it – the Desktop system folder!!
I am thinking that I can get the Desktop folder back in the right place by right-clicking on the Desktop folder to get the Properties box, then clicking on the ‘Location’ tab, and then clicking the ‘Restore Default’ button. Will clicking on that button put the Desktop folder back at C:\Users\MPF\Desktop? Or does the system think the default location is C:\Users\MPF\Current Topics\Desktop, since that is where it is now? Or should I change the path to C:\Users\MPF\Desktop,since that’s where I want the Desktop folder to be?