• MS Surface Pro 2017


    Anyone else noticing on Windows 10 ver 1909 that your surface power brick will no longer charge/run (at the same time) your device?  The only thing that i have found that will charge/run (at the same time) my Surface is an adapter that came with my BatPower ProE external battery.  Its power brick puts out 6.3 amps at 15vdc.  The Surface brick only puts out 4.3 amps at 15vdc.  The surface brick used to do it just fine but stopped in early June.


    John W Zerkel

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    • #2280628

      Are you sure your power supply isn’t faulty? Have you tried it with another Surface? Another Surface power supply with your Surface?

      cheers, Paul

    • #2280716

      interesting.  there was a quality (microcode KB4497165) and a surface driver (surface – system update on 7/14.  now all 3 ms surface power bricks seem to be working.  i have two marked ‘Pro Windows 8, 2.58 amps at 12vdc)’ and one marked ‘Pro Windows, 4 amps at 15vdc)’, which was the one giving me fits.  i will resume use of the ‘Pro Windows’ brick and see if it continues to work….  Thanks for the suggestion.



      John W Zerkel

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