ISSUE 20.30.1 • 2023-07-25 By Susan Bradley If you haven’t updated to Windows 10/11 22H2, now is a good time because I’m lowering the MS-DEFCON level
[See the full post at: MS-DEFCON 4: Got 22H2?]
Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher
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Patch reliability is unclear. Unless you have an immediate, pressing need to install a specific patch, don't do it. |
Home » Forums » Newsletter and Homepage topics » MS-DEFCON 4: Got 22H2?
ISSUE 20.30.1 • 2023-07-25 By Susan Bradley If you haven’t updated to Windows 10/11 22H2, now is a good time because I’m lowering the MS-DEFCON level
[See the full post at: MS-DEFCON 4: Got 22H2?]
Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher
No problem with installation.
2 reboots – 1 after .NET 6 and the other after the main cumulative.
Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7640 Core Ultra 7 155H 32GB Win 11 Pro 23H2 (22631.4890)
Dell Inspiron 15 7580 i7 16GB Win 11 pro 24H2 (26100.3194),
Microsoft 365 Version 2502 (18526.20118)
Location: UK
I don’t know why your system didn’t do the .net update, but on my W10 22H2 system it wasn’t offered alongside the other updates but did show up after the other updates installed and the reboot was complete. Later the same day or after a shutdown and startup the next morning I can’t remember, but it showed up on its own in less than 24 hours post cumulative update.
Just don’t re-engage the update deferment, use system as normal, it should show up in it’s own good time.
The Microsoft 365 Semi-Annual Channel is not deprecated. And I would think you would agree with using it for the same reasons you recommend delaying installation of Windows updates. The Current Channel and the Monthly Enterprise Channel might as well be called the beta tester channels. In addition, Microsoft states “If needed, security updates for Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel are released on the second Tuesday of the month.” Therefore, you should be recommending the Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel.
You can change update channels at under “Microsoft 365 app installation options”
MSFT Previews are out, for those who…. 🙂
MSFT Catalog 25th July 2023
NOTE: NOT included in MS-Defcon 4.
Outwith the realms of askwoody ethos, I installed W10 Preview kb5028244 out of curiosity.
No errors in Event Viewer and system file integrity good.
DISM reports system healthy.
SSU updated to 19045.3266
Few usual things switched back on in O&OShutup, re-introduced my config preference to rectify that.
Quite a lot of non-security fixes within:
Microsoft confirms video codec issue on Windows 10 (KB5028244) and Windows 11 (KB5027303)
Microsoft has confirmed that there is an issue plaguing WVC1 or VC-1 video codec at the moment. Windows 10 and Windows 11 apps using the codec may fail to playback, record, or capture videos, and the issue extends to cameras and webcams. The bug was introduced with Windows 11 update KB5027303 and Windows 10 users with update KB5028244.
This issue is resolved using Known Issue Rollback (KIR). Please note that it might take up to 24 hours for the resolution to propagate automatically to consumer devices and non-managed business devices. Restarting your Windows device might help the resolution apply to your device faster. For enterprise-managed devices that have installed an affected update and encountered this issue, it can be resolved by installing and configuring a special Group Policy. The special Group Policy can be found in Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates ->.
It probably won’t affect most users. VC-1 has been largely superseded by newer video codecs such as H.264 and H.265/HEVC, which offer better compression efficiency and other advanced features. However, VC-1 remains a legacy codec that is still used in some applications, particularly in some video games.
Did you check the Spam/Junk folders, just in case?
Thank you, PKCano. Yes I did check my Spam/Junk folders.
Win 10 ver. 22H2 x64
VERY slow install. Stopped many times but completed. After reboot, I checked temp files and one called TS_DA0.tmp shows that Task Scheduler had been scanned and it appears quite a few new tasks were added, although perhaps some that were disabled were re-enabled. Cannot be sure, I had not made a list and quite a few run on reboot after updates. Some seem to be making application lists.
Happy to upload the tmp file if you like. Some are readable and give clues. I hate when things “appear” to enable or re-enable telemetry.
Surprised no interest in the changes to Task Manager in this update. I believe some of these changes may not be desirable but hard finding the energy to investigate them all.
Here is a snippet of what is plain text readable in the temp file in case this stirs some interest:
A I – M i c r o s o f t – W i n d o w s – T a s k S c h e d u l e r – D e b u g C : \ W I N D O W S \ T E M P \ T S _ D A A 0 . t m p ÀP P T
ª *ñj,kÅ:€$ëÏ©O<š_u! T | U R I M i c r o s o f t \ W i n d o w s \ C l o u d R e s t o r e \ B a c k u p ~
ª Žz¼f)œú3&xÈß¹˜iu! T | U R I \ M i c r o s o f t \ W i n d o w s \ C l o u d R e s t o r e \ B a c k u p ¦
ª *ñj,kÅ:€$ëÏ©O<š…u! T | A u t h o r $ ( @ % S y s t e m R o o t % \ s y s t e m 3 2 \ C l o u d R e s t o r e L a u n c h e r . d l l , – 6 0 0 ) ¦
ª Žz¼f)œú3&xÈß¹˜u! T | A u t h o r $ ( @ % S y s t e m R o o t % \ s y s t e m 3 2 \ C l o u d R e s t o r e L a u n c h e r . d l l , – 6 0 0 ) ¦
ª *ñj,kÅ:€$ëÏ©O<š™u! T | S o u r c e $ ( @ % S y s t e m R o o t % \ s y s t e m 3 2 \ C l o u d R e s t o r e L a u n c h e r . d l l , – 6 0 1 ) ¦
ª Žz¼f)œú3&xÈß¹˜Ÿu! T | S o u r c e $ ( @ % S y s t e m R o o t % \ s y s t e m 3 2 \ C l o u d R e s t o r e L a u n c h e r . d l l , – 6 0 1 ) °
ª *ñj,kÅ:€$ëÏ©O<š©u! T | D e s c r i p t i o n $ ( @ % S y s t e m R o o t % \ s y s t e m 3 2 \ C l o u d R e s t o r e L a u n c h e r . d l l , – 6 0 2 ) °
ª Žz¼f)œú3&xÈß¹˜±u! T | D e s c r i p t i o n $ ( @ % S y s t e m R o o t % \ s y s t e m 3 2 \ C l o u d R e s t o r e L a u n c h e r . d l l , – 6 0 2 ) ¼
ª *ñj,kÅ:€$ëÏ©O<šºu! T | S e c u r i t y D e s c r i p t o r D : ( A ; ; F A ; ; ; B A ) ( A ; ; F A ; ; ; S Y ) ( A ; ; F R F X ; ; ; B U ) ( A ; ; F R F X ; ; ; A U ) ¼
ª Žz¼f)œú3&xÈß¹˜½u! T | S e c u r i t y D e s c r i p t o r D : ( A ; ; F A ; ; ; B A ) ( A ; ; F A ; ; ; S Y ) ( A ; ; F R F X ; ; ; B U ) ( A ; ; F R F X ; ; ; A U ) J
I think more changes made than these as a ton of things which appear new ran after the update.
I’m running a fresh/clean install of W10 22H2 on an older HP desktop computer. Fresh install as in I finally gave in and replaced W8.1 with W10 a few weeks ago. I’m still running W7 on my laptop because I’m not a W10 fan. My first W10 monthly update experience hasn’t changed my mind.
I used wumgr to download and install only the MSRT and KB5028166 (monthly cumulative update). I was not offered any .NET updates. The computer rebooted and the status slowly updated to 97% complete, after which I got a blue screen of sadness, Stop Code WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR, and Error Code 0xc0000225.
I did some reading about that to learn that the update process apparently killed my Boot Configuration Data. Cool. Based on what I read I tried to use my recently created W10 install USB for repair, but that won’t boot either. I tried using the boot order menu to force the boot from the USB (and later from my OS drive as well). Regardless of what I attempt I get:
ERROR: No boot disk has been detected or the disk has failed.
Any advice?
I haven’t been using W10 long enough to even reinstall much of my software, so if I have to start over it’s not the end of the world, but it would be annoying. Alternatively, I might just go back to W8.1 (I cloned my SSD to an old HDD) which ran flawlessly for years (as has W7 for over a decade) and live with higher security risk.
ERROR: No boot disk has been detected or the disk has failed.
Just to add, the reason I suggested to start over is because there is a possibility that your HDD or MB has had a failure. Especially ( as Susan referred to about your original post ) since it’s an “older” PC.
Don't take yourself so seriously, no one else does 🙂
All W10 Pro at 22H2,(2 Desktops, 1 Laptop).
I haven’t been using W10 long enough to even reinstall much of my software, so if I have to start over it’s not the end of the world, but it would be annoying
Personally, I would start from scratch. Sounds like something went wrong with the original install.
Don't take yourself so seriously, no one else does 🙂
All W10 Pro at 22H2,(2 Desktops, 1 Laptop).
I guess it’s possible the install was bad, but I was testing the computer for 2-3 weeks at basic tasks to see if I wanted to keep W10 or revert to W8.1, which was stable (and configured to my liking) over a period of years .
I find it hard to believe that it would work fine for a couple of weeks, with dozens of reboots, and then just happen to crash hard on the reboot after the cumulative update…
Go to Download Windows 10 ( and follow its instructions.
For the .NET updates – LanGuard says our machines are missing 2023-07 .NET 6.0.20 Security Update for x64 Client (KB5028705). Machines are configured (GPO) for Windows Update for Business. It isn’t listed as optional update either. And when I check online for Windows Update, it doesn’t show. Now I can push this update with LanGuard, but I wonder, like many of you, why it doesn’t install automatically?
Am I correct to assume that the problems caused by KB5028166 only effect Windows 10 Home 22H2, and not (my) Windows 10 Pro 22H2?
This is to report a successful install of July patches on my Windows 10 Home 22H2 machine. Installing through WUMgr did not prompt multiple reboots, only one reboot was necessary after all patches were installed. BTW, I installed the monthly CU and .NET Framework updates from July 11 and hid both of the previews from July 25.
And now to update my Windows 11 Pro 22H2 machine…
I made a post on Jul 26 about the issues I had trying to install KB5028166 (cumulative update) using wumgr on a fresh (2-3 week old) install of W10 Pro 22H2 on an HP desktop computer. Briefly, after the reboot the status updated to 30%, rebooted a second time, and then updated to 97% after which I got Stop Code WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR and Error Code 0xc0000225.
Pretty awesome. I was able to revert to a backup made immediately prior to attempting the update using an EaseUS Todo Backup USB. I did some reading about the error code I got and implemented all the tests/fixes found at:
Everything was fine, so like a dummy I tried to do the KB5028166 install again. Same result, same error code. Just for giggles, I went through all the steps above again and got the same negative result a third time.
So, my options seem to be:
Anything else I can check to confirm that the W10 install is good?
Did you try downloading and installing KB5028166 from the Microsoft Update Catalog rather than using WUMgr? If that causes the Error Code 0xc0000225 issue all over again, maybe you could give KB5028244 (July preview update) a try in the hope that whatever is causing that error has been fixed in the preview update. If all that fails to avoid the error, then I would pass on KB5028166/KB5028244 and see if the Cumulative update from August will install without problem. And if the problem persists with the August update, then I’m afraid a reinstallation of Windows 10 might be a proper solution.
The only thing that comes to mind in order to check your Windows 10 installation is good is to run the DISM and SFC tools (
1) In an elevated command prompt enter the following command
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
2) Wait for the operation to be completed, then enter the following command
sfc /scannow
These steps should help locate and fix corrupt Windows 10 files and hopefully take care of the problem you are having with KB5028166.
I had run scannow several times previously, but did it again – no issues identified.
I had not previously tried the DISM command but that also showed no issues.
A real head scratcher. I think for now I’ll just do nothing and keep testing my older software to see if it installs and works on W10. If not, that will also play a role in whether I stay or go back to W8.1.
Definitely a head scratcher… Since the July updates do not seem to patch any vulnerability which is being actively and widely exploited, waiting until the August updates will be approved for installation sounds relatively safe (especially if you do not feel like going through more steps of restoring from a backup). Occasionally I’ve had W10 patches failing to install on a given month only to install without trouble the next: hopefully the same will happen for you.
Ok, the July 11 updates successfully installed on my Windows 11 Pro 22H2 machine and everything appears to be in working order. Here too, I installed the updates through WUMgr, but the system did two reboots after installing the updates, contrary to what happened with Windows 10 where I had the usual single reboot.
The interesting bit is that on Windows 11 I was offered only the July CU and the MSRT update, no .NET Framework updates at all. Did I get it wrong or wasn’t the multiple reboot supposedly caused by the .NET Framework update? And yet, I had no multiple reboots on Windows 10 where I received a .NET Framework update and two reboots on Windows 11 where no .NET Framework update was installed.
Anyway, not a big deal. An additional reboot is not a problem compared to issues we had to deal with in the past due to other updates, so no reason to complain I guess.
I recently purchased two new Windows 10 computers, had been using Windows 7 up until now, so I’m a little unfamiliar with updating in Windows 10. One of the new computers has the Home Edition and the other one has the Professional Edition. I did updates on both computers today and looked at my update history afterwards. On the computer with Home Edition, it shows that it attempted to install KB5028244 but it failed to install (Error Code 0x8024402c). On the other hand, the computer with the Professional Edition did not attempt to install KB5028244. Both computers successfully installed KB5028166. Maybe its not important, because KB5028244 is a preview, but I’m just curious why did the Home Edition computer attempt to install KB5028244 but then fail? Also, the computer with the Professional Edition installed two .NET updates, but the Home Edition computer only installed one .NET update, KB5028412. Should I try to get the second .NET update (KB5028937) installed on the Home Edition computer also?
No idea why KB5028244 failed installation on one of your computers: the 0x8024402c seems to be pretty generic, maybe the download was corrupt and the patch failed to install for that reason. Anyway, like you said, it’s a preview update so no need to worry about it, since the general suggestion is not to install any preview updates.
KB5028937 is the “regular” July .NET Framework update, while KB5028412 is the preview update. Since KB5028412 includes anything in KB5028937, there is no need to install also KB5028937 on the Home Edition computer.
Thank you, I see. I assume you use wumgr. (I think thats what it is called.)
I just use the windows updater. It usually installes the patches and asks for reboot. As I always let everything install before clicking reboot, I have only ever had one restart with installing and cleanup in the reboot itself. Wonder what it will be this time. (It is yet to early for me to install.)
Regards, Jim.
Installed today KB5028166 (+ Defender updates, MSRT) with 2 reboots:
First after updates installations, updating to 30%.
Second update, up to 100% and logon to desktop.
Ok, it’s obvious there’s a serious misunderstanding by some users over what a reboot (i.e. “Windows restart“) during an update really is, so here’s the real scoop.
Regardless of whether it’s been manually selected or automatically initiated, here’s how the restart process works.
1st step: Windows has to shutdown.
During this process you’ll see a screen something like this that counts up to 30% and then goes black as your PC shuts down.
Note: it’s only able to complete 30% of the update during this first step because certain parts of Windows are in use and can’t yet be replaced.
2nd step: Windows restarts.
During this process you’ll see a screen something like this that counts up from 31% to 100% as the update process replaces the other 70% of Windows that’s not yet in use.
Provided the update completes successfully, you’ll then see the login prompt.
These two steps are one reboot, not two!
2 reboots requires going thru those two steps twice, 3 reboots three times, etc., etc.
The most reboots I’ve ever experienced during an update was 2 when I selected restart after one update was ready to install and before the second one was. And yes, my system when thru those 2 steps twice to install both updates!
I installed KB5028166 alone with no other updates on 3 computers running Win 10 Pro 22H2 with different results:
On 2 computers there was ONE reboot as @alejr described.
On 1 computer, after the First reboot was almost complete (around 90% – I was not watching that closely), the computer started another reboot. That one completed and the Login Screen appeared. So this was definitely TWO reboots.
There have been past updates where a second reboot has occurred as you described. Therefore, it is not unusual for this to occur from time to time. What seems different now than in the past, is the mix of users with varied experiences. So far, the source of the differences doesn’t seem clear. However, I don’t think it is cause for concern unless issues arise.
Thank you, I see. I assume you use wumgr
On my laptop I use WUmgr and have 2 reboots (manual, after 30%).
On Saturday I used Windows update with the same 2 reboots (manual, after 30%).
All updates are installed at once. Windows asked to restart/reboot manually. For me it is reboot number 1.
The screen comes up with updating to 30% (first update phase).
Update process restarts PC (second reboot) and second update phase 31-100% continues.
The second phase may fail and the update process will restore the PC to its previous state.
Sometimes after reaching 100%, a cleanup process may run.
If I am not mistaken here, there’s only 1 reboot in this. After the first phase at 30% when the PC turns itself off and then on again. Updating and cleanup phases are part of the reboot. I have never had an update fail at this stage personally, so I cannot speak to what happens then (knock on wood.)
If all of this happened twice, you’d have had two reboots.
Jim, you’re correct!
The “second reboot” part of this statement (emphasis mine) is completely wrong!
Update process restarts PC (second reboot) and second update phase 31-100% continues.
As I pointed out above, during a reboot/restart:
The PC first shuts itself down, then restarts itself.
Those two steps are not and have never been two “separate” reboots. Rebooting requires both steps or it’s not a reboot.
BTW, the “update” style reboot is what’s know as a warm boot (restarting a PC “without” turning off the power) vs a cold boot (where the PC starts out “completely powered off” and is powered on.)
Updated 3 Win10 Pro’s & 1 Win11 Pro. Only problem: On one Win10 for some crazy reason Avast firewall switched my network to untrusted blocking my software KVM, Input Director, and ability to update files from other PC’s. Last time I had an intranet connection problem, my son, an applications engineer, mentioned the firewall which led to me tracking down the problem and fixing it by trusting the network.
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