• MS-DEFCON 2: Windows 11 24H2 is out!

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    • This topic has 47 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 5 months ago.

    ISSUE 21.40.1 • 2024-10-01 By Susan Bradley It’s not that 24H2 was unexpected — but we had very, very little notice. You won’t be surprised by this ad
    [See the full post at: MS-DEFCON 2: Windows 11 24H2 is out!]

    Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

    Viewing 29 reply threads
    • #2707306

      PC is paused till November 2

      Windows 11 Pro
      Version 23H2
      OS build 22631.4890

    • #2707310

      I’ve used gpedit to set the target version as Windows 11  23H2

      That should keep 24H2 at bay.

    • #2707314

      Under Consumers, what is

      • Fi


      5 users thanked author for this post.
      • #2707317

        To clarify, What does “Fi” here refer to? Asking Susan as she was the one who posted this item with no explanation.

        -- rc primak

        2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2707327

      This should be raised to DEADCON or THEFT-PRO status. Because a day after 24H2 installed “smoothly” on my Win 11 Pro / ASUS NUC 14 PRO+ Intel(R) Core(TM) Ultra 9 185H PC, MS then deactivated my licensed Win11 Pro key and told me something about how my hardware had changed, when it clearly hadn’t. It then asked me to buy a new license. Fortunately, I kept the license key from the disk and tried that and it did accept the 23H2 key from this disk to reactivate my license. So installers beware. Make sure you have a license key handy before you try this install or the spooky man is going to get you!


      5 users thanked author for this post.
      • #2707332

        Same thing happened to me.

        I downloaded the 24H2 ISO last night and upgraded 2 Windows 11 Professional desktop machines this morning using the ISO  (both machines are “supported” with 11th and 12th Generation CPU’s, TPM 2.0, etc.).

        My activation had gone on both machines after the upgrade but fortunately I have the Product Keys for both installations and after entering the keys they are now both activated again.

        Oddly enough I’ve just finished upgrading my little Lenovo laptop with Windows 11 Home (came with Windows 10 Home originally but I did a clean install of 11 earlier this year) and the activation is still valid.

        Now I need to move on to my other desktop with a 4th Generation unsupported CPU with no TPM 2.0 which has been running Windows 11 Home 23H2 (by using the Rufus bypasses) up until now with no problems apart from being a little slower by today’s standards but still quite acceptable to me.

        This machine will not upgrade to 24H2 with the ISO (as I expected but I thought I’d try it anyway) but it also will not upgrade with a Rufus (latest version 4.5) created USB installer stick with all the ‘mandatory’ requirements removed.

        This has been reported to the creator(s) of Rufus so I’ll just wait and see if they come up with a workaround, even if it means doing a clean install of 24H2.

        6 users thanked author for this post.
        • #2707383

          The Rufus people have already come up with a temporary ‘workaround’ which involves making 5 Registry changes before commencing the upgrade to 24H2 on “unsupported” machines like the one I have here.

          They will be including this ‘fix’ in the next Rufus release.

          My “unsupported” 4th Generation CPU machine (it’s an ASUS H81M-PLUS motherboard from about 10 years ago)  is now running 24H2. And running very well, I might add.


          4 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2707330

      With Windows 11 24H2 Microsoft has released Office 2024 ($149.99)

      Office Home & Business 2024 $249.99

      3 users thanked author for this post.
      • #2708306

        I got a big suprise. I have been on Wubdiws 11 23H2 on a older pc. I  had to originally update the registry to allow the upgrade from windoes 10. However now I realise that 24H2 will not run on my pc and I dont believe there is  a upgrade path. That leaves  me with a version o fwindows 11 with no way to move forward. I understand that there is an instruction that my machine does not support, but now I am stuck.

        Thanks for your continuing good articles.


        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2708327

          You may be able to downgrade to Win10 22H2 (after backing up, of course) by running a repair installation from setup.exe on the USB stick for Win10 22H2. Just choose the Upgrade option (the only option available). The upgrade option is not available if you boot from the USB stick.

    • #2707336

      What does “Fi” here refer to? Asking Susan …

      Ask me. I post all the newsletter stuff, so the typos are my fault.

      Except this time. I’ll spare the techie details, but WordPress mangled something and I didn’t notice. It’s fixed now online. Sorry about the email.

      4 users thanked author for this post.
      • #2707347

        Formatting error(s). Got it. And yes, that would be an editorial matter, not something Susan got wrong.

        -- rc primak

        1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2707374

        To save anyone else looking, the fix in the online version simply involves the removal of “Fi”.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2707341

      Can anyone clarify what the new feature [Windows Update opt-in notifications] They now appear when you sign in” means in the KB5043131 (OS Build 19045.4957) Win 10 Preview of 24-Sep-2024?

      Exactly what would I be opting in to (e.g., an upgrade to Win 11?, unpausing of Windows Updates?) and will there be a setting at Settings | System | Notifications & Actions to turn off this notification?
      Dell Inspiron 15 5584 * 64-bit Win 10 Pro v22H2 build 19045.4894 * Firefox v131.0.0 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.24080.9-1.1.24080.9 * Malwarebytes Premium v5.1.11.133-1.0.5048 * Macrium Reflect Free v8.0.7783

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    • #2707346

      At this point I would never trust Microsoft to release any type of update with any certainty of it being one I should assume is stable. Frankly, this goes for Apple’s somewhat sketchy track record of pushing updates out based on a deadline then on being as stable as possible.

    • #2707357

      Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2707369

        Those conflicting drivers were updated three years ago.

        • #2707409

          Anything to do with drivers do not get updated in enterprises easily.  This is the real world of deployed machines.

          Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

          2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2707431

      I booted to the B side of my daily driver, which is a clean install of Windows 11 Pro 23H2.  Of course, I did some mods, as listed in that thread.  I tried an in-place upgrade, and it failed at the first reboot; didn’t even reboot.

      So I downloaded the Assistant, and ran that.  It also failed on the first reboot in the same fashion.  I may try un-modding it and see if that works, but not today.

      Always create a fresh drive image before making system changes/Windows updates; you may need to start over!
      We all have our own reasons for doing the things that we do with our systems; we don't need anyone's approval, and we don't all have to do the same things.
      We were all once "Average Users".

    • #2707430

      I actually got 24H2 installed and have this issue.  We turn off locations services with a GP so I’m hoping they stop this from telling our users about it being off.



      • #2707441

        If you have used GP to block location services, and it is required, you will get the notification to contact the administrator (you are the administrator if you can use GP). We see this all the time in relation to Windows Update when GP has been used to control updates.

        As an example, from my Windows Update, these policies are the ones set in GP.

        Screenshot-2024-10-02-at-4.18.54 PM

    • #2707477

      I was pleasantly surprised when I upgraded my little 11 inch Lenovo laptop to 24H2 yesterday (it’s 3 years old and Windows 11 supported).

      It only has 64GB of non upgradeable eMMC  (I think) storage and 4GB of RAM.

      I used a Rufus created USB install stick to do the upgrade.

      I was expecting the upgrade to fail with a “not enough space” error message (I believe this happened with previous upgrades for owners of machines like this) but the upgrade completed without a hitch.

      In fact, after doing a disk cleanup and deleting “Windows old” (the backup files in case you need to revert back to 23H2) I now have about 30GB of free space. I had about 20GB before I commenced the upgrade.

      I must say I am impressed.

    • #2707520

      The Sign out command is now on the account manager when the Start menu is opened. To change to a different user, select the ellipsis — a list of other users appears to make it easier to switch.

      Once again Microsoft has succeeded in making something simple into something complex.

      Does anyone know how to kill this “improvement” so users don’t have to have a class on how to sign out of their computers?



      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2707529

        Does anyone know how to kill this “improvement” so users don’t have to have a class on how to sign out of their computers?

        Hi MHCLV941:

        According to the 25-Sep-2024 TechRadar article Following a backlash around a recent Windows 11 Start menu change, Microsoft reverses course in new preview build this change will be rolled back in a future release in Windows 11.

        You may recall that the introduction of the new account manager section to the Start menu caused controversy because it buried a useful option under another layer of the menu. This was the option to sign out, which was shifted from being right there in the Start menu’s profile panel, to being hidden behind the three-dot menu (top-right) in the new account manager panel (that replaced the previous profile UI).

        The good news is that Microsoft has been listening to the folks complaining that they don’t want to be forced to perform another click to sign out of their account, so in this preview build, the option is back where it was before, with no need for any extra clicking to reach it. Also, Microsoft notes that you can switch user profiles by clicking the three-dot icon and choosing one from the menu that appears.”

        According to Mayank Parmar’s 12-Sep-2024 WindowsLatest article Windows 10’s Start menu tests new layouts for Microsoft 365 manager a similar “three dots” (ellipsis) menu is also planned for the account manager section of the Windows 10  Start menu of but I’m hoping that won’t happen now.
        Dell Inspiron 15 5584 * 64-bit Win 10 Pro v22H2 build 19045.4894 * Firefox v131.0.0 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.24080.9-1.1.24080.9 * Malwarebytes Premium v5.1.11.133-1.0.5048 * Macrium Reflect Free v8.0.7783

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2707532

          this change will be rolled back in a future release in Windows 11.

          The re-change is already in the latest preview release for all versions of Windows 11:

          [Start menu] New! ​​​​​​​The Sign out command is now on the account manager when you open the Start menu. To change to a different user, select the ellipses (…). A list of other users appears to make it easier to switch.

          September 26, 2024—KB5043145 (OS Builds 22621.4249 and 22631.4249) Preview

          EDIT: But I now realize that the quote in this topic from the MS-DEFCON Alert was about this reversion of the previous change anyway (as Susan was previewing October changes).

    • #2707527

      Something has been bothering me about my upgrades to 24H2.

      I could have sworn that I saw something mentioned a few months back (I believe it was on another forum) where the latest Insider builds at the time included the option to remove the useless (to me) “Recommended” section of the Start Menu and other useless and annoying (again, at least to me) things like “Get Started” on the Start Menu?

      I found out some time ago how to get rid of “Windows Backup” and several other seemingly unremoveable icons on the Start Menu even though it doesn’t remove the apps (and the icons didn’t come back with 24H2) but this pain in the you-know-what “Get Started” is still stubbornly attached to the Start Menu and it seems that it cannot even be removed with an Exocet missile.

      I’ve seen rumours that the “Recommended” section of the Start Menu is being ‘reserved’ for future advertising (what? more?) so that may be the reason why it can’t be removed in the final release of 24H2 but I wish I could get rid of that “Get Started” icon on the Menu (I don’t care if the app itself isn’t removed, I’d just like the icon taken off the Start Menu).

      Moderator’s Note: Rescued from the spam bucket.

      • #2707625

        Get Started can be unpinned from the Start Menu after a right-click:


        The Recommended section of the Start menu can only be removed from Education or Enterprise editions:

        Remove Recommended Section from Start Menu in Windows 11

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2707709

          That’s interesting.

          I’m running 2 PC’s with Windows 11 Professional 24H2 and one with Windows 11 Home 24H2. The 2 Professional PC’s are “supported”, the Home one isn’t.

          I also have a supported laptop with Windows 11 Home 24H2. All 4 machines are upgrades from 23H2 and they all show the same options when I right click Get Started. These are the only options I’ve ever seen since I started using Windows 11.



          • This reply was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by Carl D.
          • #2707712

            Same here.  Adding insult to injury, there is nothing pertinent in App Settings.

            1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #2708003

              I’m curious to know what version of Windows 11 “b” is running?

              As I’ve said – I have never had the option to right click and delete that “Get Started” icon from the Start Menu.

              I did know that the “Recommended” section can only be removed from Education or Enterprise editions but I’m sure I saw something a few months back where people testing beta versions of 24H2 reported that they could now remove the Recommended section and other things like that persistent and annoying “Get Started” icon from the Start Menu even in the Professional and Home versions.

              If that was true then Microsoft must have changed their minds since then about allowing these things to be (easily) removed.

              I did read that there was a way to remove “Get Started” which involved removing the entire “Windows Experience Pack” (or whatever it’s called) but doing that usually caused other problems.

              I don’t care if the “Experience Pack”, “app” or whatever that is responsible for the icon is still there, I would just like the icon removed from the Start Menu.

    • #2707554

      Oh man, I can attest to 24H2 being sent out EARLY. Avid reader of the askwoody site and I knew 24H2 would come out in *October* but then I went onsite Tuesday after a user inadvertently did a Windows reset after a mistaken selection of options in the startup menu (which was after a Bitlocker key re-entry UGH don’t get me started).  The reset reinstalled 11 but during OOBE downloaded and upgraded to 24H2, which to me was earlier than expected. Obviously, it was ready to go and being offered which seemed too soon.

      Will J Stewart
      Independent IT 25 years
      Austin, Texas

    • #2707613

      Has the Secure Boot certificate been updated to the 2023 variant in the db list and has the 2011 certificate been added to the dbx list? Is the new boot loader signed by the 2023 certificate?

    • #2707631

      I inadvertently let the upgrade install on my PC and laptop. Now both will connect to my router, and say I’m connected to the internet, but I get nothing. I’ve tried restarting the network adapter with no improvement.

      • #2707644

        Run the Network and internet troubleshooter at Settings, System, Troubleshoot, Other trouble-shooters.

    • #2707729

      As of Monday (Sept. 30) two of my machines were Windows 11 Pro 23H2 fully updated, both 12th generation Intel Core i7’s with 16 Gb ram and 512 Gb ssd’s, both with identical settings and both delivered with 23H2 already installed (OEM). The laptop ( HP Envy) was automatically upgraded to 24H2 via Windows Update on Tuesday, the first day of October, which took a long time (over 90 minutes). And it was then given the 2024-09 24H2 preview Update two days later. So far, no significant issues detected (still waiting for the event viewer log errors and warnings to settle and clear). The other machine, a Dell XPS desktop computer, has yet to be offered the upgrade, despite clicking on Check for Updates several times. I am assuming that Windows Update has detected something about that computer’s drivers or configuration that might make the upgrade problematic. I’m in no hurry to upgrade the desktop PC, so I will just wait for Windows Update to do it’s thing when it’s ready to and use the laptop to experiment with 24H2 in the meantime. Both machines get completely shut down and powered off when not in use.

    • #2707787

      I was planning to apply the September Patch Tuesday updates today, but this news gives me pause.  How can I tell if 24H2 is in my Windows Update pipeline without it being installed?  And if it is there, how do I install all updates except that one?

      Updating Windows 11 is a pain in the butt.  It was so much easier to see updates and apply them selectively in Windows 8.  I want that degree of control back!

      • #2707800

        You can use GRC’s InControl to control version upgrades (ie., stay on 23H2 and block 24H2, or install 24H2)

        You can use WUMgr to control (install or hide) Monthly Patch Tuesday updates and other updates served through Windows Update Service, like you did in Win8. The link has instructions on how to use WUMgr, and a download link to the software.

    • #2707813

      I just had something weird happen. 24H2 was offered as an optional update while I was updating 23H2 to KB5043145 22631.4249. After that update completed, the optional 24H2 update was no longer offered. This machine has a 6th gen Intel processor, so it is not supported.(I7-6700K 6th gen GIGABYTE GA-B250M-DS3H LGA1151 6TH/7TH GEN)

      I also have a 12th gen Intel processor that IS supported by Win11, and I have never noticed an optional update to 24H2. (I9-12900K 12th Gen Asus Prime Z790-V AX DDR5 LGA 1700)

    • #2708008

      Now on 24H2. no probs.

      Turned WuMgr off.
      Started 24H2 setup on usb stick.
      It seemed to be d/l a lot of updates…(10 min)
      Actual update took about 25 min. (so ~35min tot)
      Turn WuMgr back on.
      Remove Edge with Revo Uninstaller Pro.
      Remove old windows with windows clean in windows tools in control panel.

      I used Rufus latest. I checked everything except the first one (bypass req for mem and security).

      Edition Windows 11 Pro
      Version 24H2
      Installed on ‎Sat ‎10/‎5/‎2024
      OS build 26100.1742
      Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.18.0

      It did not ask me for a key. (key is win10 retail)

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2708300

      I am sitting tight with 23H2, using InControl to block 24H2. I don’t need problems. I haven’t been offered 24H2, but I did hide the new preview.




    • #2708343

      I got a big suprise. I have been on Wubdiws 11 23H2 on a older pc. I  had to originally update the registry to allow the upgrade from windoes 10. However now I realise that 24H2 will not run on my pc and I dont believe there is  a upgrade path. That leaves  me with a version o fwindows 11 with no way to move forward. I understand that there is an instruction that my machine does not support, but now I am stuck.

      Thanks for your continuing good articles.


      This is exactly why I am very leary of forcing Windows 11 onto a machine that does not meet the draconian hardware specs.

      How did you determine that 24H2 will not run on the machine, may I ask?   Knowing this could be helpful to others considering forcing Windows 11 onto non-compliant hardware.

    • #2708357

      I realise that 24H2 will not run on my pc and I dont believe there is  a upgrade path.

      There is. Rufus

    • #2708358

      I realise that 24H2 will not run on my pc and I dont believe there is  a upgrade path.

      There is. Rufus

      Rufus is not an absolute!!!

      Simply a possibility that you could try that has worked for many folks.

    • #2708362

      I just had something weird happen. 24H2 was offered as an optional update while I was updating 23H2 to KB5043145 22631.4249. After that update completed, the optional 24H2 update was no longer offered. This machine has a 6th gen Intel processor, so it is not supported.(I7-6700K 6th gen GIGABYTE GA-B250M-DS3H LGA1151 6TH/7TH GEN)

      I also have a 12th gen Intel processor that IS supported by Win11, and I have never noticed an optional update to 24H2. (I9-12900K 12th Gen Asus Prime Z790-V AX DDR5 LGA 1700)

      So, I think I know the commonality between these two machines. They both have biometrics installed and per a recent post by @Alex5723, that is on the list of compatibility issues for 24H2. https://www.askwoody.com/forums/topic/microsoft-details-compability-issues-blocking-upgrades-to-windows-11-version-24h/

    • #2708370

      Note here: I was NOT offered 24H2 as an update even though I had a very current machine on 23H2. I used the Rufus iso route. WuMgr.

      My guess is simply that you need to do it via the iso route, preferably the Rufus iso route. Just my 2 cents!!!

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2708373

      Note here: I was NOT offered 24H2 as an update even though I had a very current machine on 23H2. I used the Rufus iso route. WuMgr.

      My guess is simply that you need to do it via the iso route, preferably the Rufus iso route. Just my 2 cents!!!

      I understand. I know I “can”, I’m just not feeling the urge to upgrade at present.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2708374

      I grok

    • #2708780

      I found out that bootmgr.efu is still signed with the old (2011) certificate…


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