• MS-DEFCON 2: Slow the rush to Copilot

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    ISSUE 21.10.1 • 2024-03-07 By Susan Bradley Because of the ongoing rollout of Copilot enhancements, I recommend deferring or pausing updates. That’s w
    [See the full post at: MS-DEFCON 2: Slow the rush to Copilot]

    Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

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    • #2646202

      Included in the February prerelease updates (and thus in the March security updates) is a change to the Search box. As noted in KB5022913:

      Wasn’t that a year ago?

      February 28, 2023KB5022913 (OS Build 22621.1344) Preview

      • #2646289

        Arrgg – I’ll get a correction out.  Bleary eyed and hit the wrong KB.  Still recommend deferring.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

    • #2646212

      First off: I used to have a Microsoft 365 account, but no longer. I switched to the free LibreOffice instead. That was largely in part due to incompatibility issues printing out a single envelope. Plus I didn’t like the idea of having my information stored to the cloud. What is this ESU that you mentioned? I’d use the quote method. But I don’t know how to utilize that feature. How long could you potentially stay on Windows 10 per se? And does that mean you have to stay on 22H2?

      Secondly: I don’t believe I have a local account through Microsoft. I suppose it’s too late to revert back now. Back when I got this PC, I didn’t know of such a trick as no@thankyou.com. So, therefore feel stuck with my current setup.

      Lastly: In my Windows 11 Pro Laptop. I used the Group Policy Editor to stave off CoPilot. Is that the preferred method, or do I need the registry key entry as well? If I should deploy the registry key entry too. Where can I find it?

      • #2646290

        You can add a local account even if there is a MS account on the system.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        • #2646302

          I hate to ask. What is the purpose of adding on a local account in addition to my MS account? Sorry, but I don’t recall why in doing so would be an added benefit.

          I think I did this before, but unsure if I followed all the steps correctly. My memory is a little fuzzy since then. Here is a snapshot of my accounts. If I used the same password PIN for both accounts, I should be able to access it still.


          • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Rush2112. Reason: Added Information
          • #2646364

            “Secondly: I don’t believe I have a local account through Microsoft. I suppose it’s too late to revert back now. Back when I got this PC, I didn’t know of such a trick as no@thankyou.com. So, therefore feel stuck with my current setup.”

            Michael and Recovery are both local accounts.

            Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

            • #2646372

              Yes, this is true. I do have 2 local accounts. I had to research the old newsletter to see how to set one up. When checking I noticed that I set one up and I believe per your instructions. But what I didn’t do and afraid to do. Was to set the local account as administrator and set the MS account as a standard user. I guess I am afraid of not being able to use all of my applications/website settings in my now standard user account. I didn’t want to have to log out of one and log into the other just to use all of my features.

    • #2646233

      You forgot about the EU’s Digital Markets Act – effective as of today. This law appoints Big Tech the title of Gate Keeper. Weird title, IMO, but anyway – it means they are SO big they have to conform to special rules. All the Big Tech companies complained they don’t deserve that title – they aren’t as big as the EU thinks. Uh, sure.

      For Microsoft, this means, among other things, you don’t need a Microsoft account to install Windows. So we must see some updates coming for this as well.

      BTW – the DMA is work in progress, so I don’t expect the Microsofts, Apples, Amazons etc. to be compliant tomorrow…

      2 users thanked author for this post.
      • #2646258

        The EU digital Markets Act is a great step towards protection the consumer from nefarious conduct of unscrupulous companies such as microsoft. America should be so lucky.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2646327

      This Copilot stuff seems sketchier by the day. I really don’t care to use it and wish it was a opt in choice rather than trying to opt out of it all.

    • #2646893

      Hi Susan,

      If you purchase a subscription to AskWoody and get an error message during the checkout process, do not try to pay for another subscription. Your subscription has gone through. An expert developer is now looking into the problem, and I will report back to you in a special Plus Alert when the problem is resolved. We think it’s under control, but we’re still testing. Meanwhile, here’s some guidance.

      Is this still a problem or has it been corrected?


      • #2646975

        We think we’ve fixed it, but I’m still holding back to give the all clear just to be sure.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2647003

          Thanks Susan! I was just wondering because I just got an email from AW about renewing my membership and wanted to see if it was OK. I have a couple of weeks till it is up, so I’ll wait till you give the all clear!

    • #2654601


      You suggested turning off “Get the latest updates…”, but on both of my laptops the line is dimmed out and says, “This setting isn’t available due to your organizations policy”. It looks like it is toggled on. I am normally logged in as a non-admin user.

      The same thing happens though when I log in as the administrator.

      Is there a registry entry I need to tweak?

      • #2654660

        Sounds like it’s already turned off?

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2655214

          I didn’t explain this very well, my apologies.

          My laptops are not controlled by any organization or at least shouldn’t be. I did receive them from the company I worked for but rebuilt them after.

          I’ve attached a snapshot of the setting, which, as I said, looks like it’s set to “on”.

          And if for some reason these laptops are assigned to an organization, how do I change that?


          • #2655269

            Click on ‘view configured..’ for a list of GPEdit / registry hacks.

            1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #2656356

              Attached is the result of the view configured

          • #2655861

            I’ve attached a snapshot of the setting, which, as I said, looks like it’s set to “on”.

            That shows Off. (On would be switched to right.)

            1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2655219

      Looks like either Group Policy settings, or your version of  Windows is using a Volume License product key…

      Download and run ShowKeyPlus, and check your product key.


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