• MS Antispyware fix


    Here is a solution to the constant update of sypware definitions with the last refresh of MSAS (version 1.0.614). I found this in the MSAS newsgroup posted by Robin Walker – MVP

    After much debugging, I have found that the problem with definition update
    failures and repetition is because of an incorrect version of the file
    gcUnCompress.dll in C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32 (for XP) or C:WINNTSYSTEM32 (for
    2000 or systems upgraded from 2000).

    The incorrect version is of length 130,272 bytes.
    The correct version is of length 95,448 bytes.

    To update your system to install the correct version of the file, do the

    1. In the System Notification Area, right-click on the MSAS icon and select
    “Shutdown Microsoft AntiSpyware”.
    2. In Explorer, navigate to C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32, locate the file
    “gcUnCompress.dll”, right-click on it, and select “Delete”.
    3. In Control Panel “Add or Remove Programs”, select “Microsoft AntiSpyware”
    and click button “Change”.
    4. Click “Next”.
    5. Select “Update Microsoft AntiSpyware”, click “Next”.
    6. Click “Install”.
    7. When the re-installation finishes, click “Finish”.
    8. In Explorer, in folder C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32, check that
    “gcUnCompress.dll” is now 95,448 bytes long, by right-clicking it and
    selecting “Properties”.
    9. Launch MSAS, pull down the File menu and select “Check for updates” –
    this time it really will update your definition files to the latest version.
    10. In Explorer, open the folder C:Program FilesMicrosoft AntiSpyware, and
    satisfy yourself that the modification dates of the three definition files
    have changed:

    I’ve tried this and it appears to work.



    Viewing 4 reply threads
    • #958961

      Thanks – works for me too!

    • #958962

      Thanks Joe, glad this issue is finally resolved.

    • #958965

      Yes, Joe – thanks from me too.

    • #959046

      Thanks, Joe — even after the previous “fix” I found, I was getting each successive update requiring the same update next time round. This appears to have solved it (as for all previous posters!).


      • #959085

        John, you were NOT alone. Mine were fixed using the steps above.

        DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
        Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

        • #959087


          “This {i.e. Joe’s suggested fix}
          appears to have solved it {i.e. the updating problem}
          (as {it did}
          for all previous posters!).”

          Did you read my post differently?!


    • #959225

      Please add my name to the list of Thank You’s Joe. You do good work.

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