• Moving Contacts (Version )


    Got a new laptop with Outlook 07. Is there a way to get all my contacts moved from my old laptop to my new one (all at once)?

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    • #1134607

      Contacts are stored in the .pst file on your old laptop.

      The default location is C:Documents and SettingsLocal SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftOutlook. You must display hidden files and folders in order to see this folder.
      The name is that of your e-mail profile (default: Outlook), with extension .pst.

      You can transfer this file to your new laptop, and open it in Outlook using File | Open | Outlook Data File…
      You can then copy the contents of the Contacts folder in the old Personal Folders file to that in the new one.

    • #1134620

      On the old machine with Outlook open, got to “File, Import, Export”
      Then “Export to file”
      Select type, ‘Excel works for me’
      Select “Contacts”
      Accept file name and location, or change to what and where you want
      And then next your way on through.

      DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
      Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

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