• Move/Copy Worksheet (Excel 97-SR2)


    What is the most expedient way to create a copy of worksheet to a new book? In doing so, can you remove all the links to the original/parent book?

    Issue… I have a large spreadheet model (sigh!), with 3 report worksheets within it. Periodically others may need to see 1 or more of those reports. It occurs to me that the simplist thing to do is to set up your report and then copy the relevent worksheet to a new book. This will of course result in external links in the new workbook, also all the formulae(sp?) will be copied. Anyway of avoiding that? In effect what is needed is a copy and paste values, formats, row/column sizes.


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    • #627910

      Simple solution.
      Copy the worksheet in the current workbook. (right click on the sheet name – move or copy, make sure you check “create a copy”) The name will be “sheetname”(2)

      Select all on this new sheet (ctrl-a), copy (ctrl-c) and edit – paste special -click values

      Move this sheet to a new book (right click on the sheet name – move or copy, DO NOT check “create a copy”, to book = “(new book)”)
      Save this new workbook.

      One thing to watch for: if you still get “links”, check the defined names, (insert name – define), you should be able to delete all the names if there are any.

      If you do this a lot a simple macro could be created. to do this to the selected sheet.


    • #627911

      Like this:

      Sub CopyOut()
          Dim oNewBook As Workbook
          Dim oSheet As Object
      ' Copy selected sheets into a new book
      ' set an object to that book
          Set oNewBook = ActiveWorkbook
      ' scan its sheets to change formulas to values
          For Each oSheet In oNewBook.Sheets
              If TypeName(oSheet) = "Worksheet" Then
                  oSheet.[a1].PasteSpecial xlValues
                  Application.CutCopyMode = False
              End If
      'save the copy
          oNewBook.SaveAs Filename:="C:WINDOWSTEMPYourFielName.xls"
      ' Close the copy
          oNewBook.Close False
      ' Release memory 
         Set oNewBook=Nothing
          Set oSHeet=Nothing
      End Sub
      • #627913

        Thanks to both. Quick and dirty will do for now… The coded solution is more elegant especially if never send the whole model via e-mail/to anyone external.


      • #627924

        You are making it way too easy on the posters!

        You need to let them do some of the coding by themselves so they can learn to use the recorder and modify the code. I thought the hints/suggestions should be enough for them to get started, and they would ask more questions later if they needed to.

        Sometimes there is problems with named ranges, carrying over and causing “links”, You might want to include in the code:

        Dim oName as Name
        For each oName in oNewBook.names


        • #627936

          Hi Steve,


          . You are correct of course. Shows I had to much time on my hands today.


          Although the recorder does have its merits, you know it produces notoriously bad code, that can be quite misleading for beginners (and for the more experienced as well…). But it’s as good a place to start your VBA experience as any…






          • #627975


            Thanks for catching the typo. I edited the post to correct.

            My fingers they don’t always seems to do what I want them to do!. They are like computers in that respect, they do what they are told, not necessarily what you want them do do!


      • #628563

        Will this work if I want to send a whole file/workbook that contains several worksheets?

        • #628909

          It “exports” all sheets that are selected, so: Yes, it will work. Just select the sheets you want included first, then run the macro.

    • #628030

      If you don’t want the ‘copy’ to be editable (sometimes this is dead handy!), an easy way is to select the range you want, copy, open a new workbook, and copy it as a picture.
      This is a quite well-kept secret.
      Do it by mousing to edit while holding down shift key, then choose paste as picture or I think there’s a link option (which you prob don’t want.)

      • #628276

        Ooooh. Now that would be smart, if only I could figure out how? It’s early here after a late one involving much joy and merriment. So, apologies if I’m being a thicket. Can you explain slowly which buttons to press?


        • #628294

          Select the cells, press (and hold) your shift key, choose Edit from the menu. You’ll see some entries have changed, among which “Copy Picture”.
          Now go to your new sheet and press paste.

          • #628295

            oooh That IS sexy!

            Doesn’t work of course… Seems to be limited to one ‘screen’ of info? The test spreadsheet I’m using has 700+ rows. (It’s a MS Project import).

            Still, nice technnique for single page where you don’t want people to edit info.


    • #628508


      Here’s an alternative approach.
      1) Open your workbook as read-only.
      2) Copy and Paste-Values over the sheets you want to distribute.
      3) Delete unwanted sheets (Can be done as a group)
      4) Do a Save As



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