• Mouse quest – Incase edition

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    In my article Mouse quest (AskWoody, 2024-04-22), I opined about Microsoft getting out of the hardware business, at least with respect to its long-run
    [See the full post at: Mouse quest – Incase edition]

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    • #2726435

      Looks like they recently added descriptions, e.g., https://www.incase.com/products/wireless-mobile-mouse.  Not many colors: As Henry Ford supposedly said, “Any color the customer wants, as long as it’s black.”

      • #2726465

        The only thing I get with both links is “Page not found” followed by a quick redirect to incase.com homepage.

    • #2726466

      I love Microsoft mice. They’re the only kind I buy.

      Guess that comes to an end once I can no longer find them on Amazon. When I try to access Incase directly or through the links you provided, I get redirected in Incase Canada which does not have any of those products.

    • #2726496

      Looks like they recently added descriptions, e.g., https://www.incase.com/products/wireless-mobile-mouse.

      Still link to the “New Arrivals” page. I’m sure there is a lag in getting the website cleaned up, but most companies get new products right at the outset. When Incase introduced its A.R.C. line recently, the release was far more organized.

    • #2726589

      Huh, odd.  I get linked to a list that includes: Description, Features, Dimensions, Materials and Support.  I also get links to purchase the products using ShopPay, GPay, PayPal, and Venmo.  I don’t know if it makes a difference, but I’m using Firefox.

      Likewise, I agree with you that they don’t seem organized.  On the other hand, I guess that makes them the ideal substitute storefront for Microsoft. 🤪

    • #2727303

      I miss the older Microsoft mice.  They had several that were very much on a par with the models currently available from Logitech, lasting several years until I had to recently replace one.  Not knowing about the change in Microsoft’s hardware plans, I looked all over for a replacement like the one I had before.  No dice, rhyme not intended.  I still have the little wired one with the very short cord that lights up red (not handy, don’t remember the model number), which works fine, but I’ve had to say goodbye to the Microsoft line.

      As for keyboards, I have long since given up on anybody else’s once I found the Unicomp products!  There was a review from PC Magazine, I think, a while back about these jewels which are using the old IBM patent for tactile feedback which they used in their PC, XT and AT keyboards!  (You know, the design that makes them feel like IBM Selectric typewriters!)  Having become addicted to that “feel” LONG ago, I ordered one and was very pleased.  It’s built like a tank, lasts almost forever (or through the efforts of one grandchild 😝) and has only had to be replaced once.  They’re a bit pricey, and a bit large for anything but a desk (rather than lap) but worth it.  Check http://www.pckeyboard.com for more details.



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