• Most Expensive Liquid

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    I was asked what the most expensive liquid is the other day. I came up with an answer but I wasn’t sure if it was the *most* expensive. Can anyone suggest expensive liquids?

    – gas $US3.30 per gallon
    – milk $US2.30 per quart
    – bottled water $US$ per 600ml (at the picture theatre)

    – Monetary units per unit volume
    – Don’t worry about currency / national differences (ie petrol / gas)
    – place of purchase shouldn’t determine most expensive (it will have an impact, but not in the final consideration)
    – Liquid at standard room temp – thus ruling out (for example) molten gold

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    • #1071254

      Well here is one close to my heart.

      A pint of good old English Ale. The cost varies but we could say that a good pint will cost

    • #1071255

      Printer ink has to be up there. There was a report a while back saying that it was 7x more expensive than vintage champagne, as it cost around

    • #1071256

      Widely available liquids:
      – Ink for inkjet printers.
      – Perfume

      There are probably more expensive liquids for specialized purposes.

      The Price of a Gallon: 47 liquids compared

      • #1071258

        I wonder if there’s much call for scorpion venom? Presumably not, at those prices. grin

        • #1071262

          You can imagine

          Him “I am just off to the shops love, do you need anything?”

          Her “Yes, can you get me a choccy bar and a gallon of scorpion’s venom please? Oh, and none of that cheap stuff you bought last time OK!” grin

          • #1071263

            new Tesco “Value” scorpion venom – only $25m a gallon! smile

          • #1072079

            > Oh, and none of that cheap stuff you bought last time OK

            NoName Scorpion Venom – makes you tired and irritable, but you don’t stop living. Waste of money IMO.


      • #1071260

        I came up with perfume. Well done HansV. Also, what a great web site. scorpion venom at a touch under $39m per ounce.

    • #1072105

      I have just been approached by one of the guys in my office and he reckons that:

      Adrenalone or 3’4′-Dihydroxy-2-(methylamino)acetophenone; 4-methylaminoacetopyrocatechol

      Could be a main contender….but I am desperately trying to find a reference to back it up

      • #1072118

        I was looking up your material in my “Aldrich Handbook of Fine Chemicals” and it was not there, but saw:

        (1R,2R) -trans-2Acetoxy-1-cyclopentanol costs $360.50 for 1 mL (ca 1.1 g) which is about $1.4 Million / gallon…


        • #1072125

          cool Thanks, still pretty expensive nuts I shall inform my clever clogged colleague grin

          • #1072132

            I bet extract of clever clogs is quite expensive…

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