• More than 4 conditional formatting options (2000 SP1 Win NT4 sp6)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Excel and spreadsheet help » More than 4 conditional formatting options (2000 SP1 Win NT4 sp6)


    (Edited by HansV to remove duplicate non-functional link)

    Our network systems engineer needs to be able to add additional conditional formatting options: I found a previous thread here at the Lounge and the links below outline how to add a 4th. But he expects he will need many more than 4. Anyone know of any add-ins or a possible solution?

    Thanks in advance …

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    • #676684

      The method described in post 251962 can be adapted to your needs; it will allow as many options as you need. (The example code sets 4 different background colors plus transparent, but it can be used to set font color, font style and borders too, and by adding more Case statements, the number of conditions can be increased.)

    • #676685

      I either went to experts exchnage http://www.experts-exchange.com[/url%5D or http://www.ask-a-tech.org/%5B/url%5D and obtained a quote to do this (we needed to colour code pressure variances created with people lying on a bed)
      If I recall the cost quoted was reasonable in my opinion, however the project to map the data in Excel was dropped. HTH

      • #677064

        Thanks HansV and pccoyle: I’ll pass this along and will post back with details. smile

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