• More confusion and obfuscation for Surface owners

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    Do you know when your Surface’s lifecycle will expire? Article coming in Computerworld.
    [See the full post at: More confusion and obfuscation for Surface owners]

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    • #161599

      I am well connected and know a lot of users. I do not know of a single individual who owns a Microsoft Surface device. It is an over-priced tablet that is trying very hard to be something more, using an OS that is dreadful.


      6 users thanked author for this post.
      • #161759

        Canadian Tech, where I work, when I am in meetings I often notice that around half the devices around the table are Surface Pros or Surface Books (more Pros than Books). This is a mixture of staff and external suppliers. So although you might know anyone who owns them, in my experience they are quite popular.

    • #161664

      With all of the billions of dollars Microsoft has, you would think they could do better than this.

      Group "L" (Linux Mint)
      with Windows 10 running in a remote session on my file server
      • #161670

        Jim, it is not a matter of money, lord know they have enough of that. It takes a management who is competent and gives a d**n. Neither talent exists any longer in this corporation that is on the slide down the chute to oblivion.


        1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #161703

        Makes perfect sense, when you think of the junk that is called “Surface”, that Microsoft sells for top dollar with a straight face.

        Group "L" (Linux Mint)
        with Windows 10 running in a remote session on my file server
        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #161749

      On the surface, it seems that all of the comments so far appear to be somewhat negative.

    • #161784

      It seems to me that Intel, Microsoft et al have seen the army of lawyers descending, and are in strict defensive mode. Remove all records [Surface support] which might give plaintiffs a legal interest and so on.

      As there are no easy solutions, they will just get worse in the near future.

    • #161786

      Probably more about numbers then anything. How many users are still out there with older devices. I have no interest owning any Microsoft hardware, for the reason above. Microsoft seems to make changes on a whim about support these days. Remember how Windows 10 dropped support for some Atom chips too. I am more concerned that Intel hasn’t a clue how to properly mitigate Spectre with firmware because the real solution would significantly slow down CPU’s. That might be the reason for Microsoft’s support retractions too.

    • #162031

      Well if there are no more updates, at least the hullabaloo with patching’s over, right?

      • #162169

        There is silver-lining thinking for you. I thought it was more like Surface patching is insignificant because Surface use is insignificant. What was the phrase we used to see from Microsoft? Only a small segment of users is affected. I may have forgotten the exact wording.

    • #162861

      Is this the most recent post? It’s 5 days old, and I wanted to make sure that there’s not something wrong. Usually there’s a new post on AskWoody every day, except on weekends.

      • #162866

        There have lots of posts in the last five days. There is a problem with caching.  Click on the “Dec” under the calendar on the right, then click on the “Jan” to refresh.

    • #162899

      Thank you, PCCaro. But, in trying that, I stumbled on something that seems to work without that fuss. I changed my bookmark to include a / at the end: https://www.askwoody.com/

      For some reason, https://www.askwoody.com (without the slash) has the old cache of the page. But add the slash, and I get the most recent version. Weird.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
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