• Modify format of part of cell (2002)


    Anyone know how to create a macro or VBA to modify part of a cell format ?
    I very often need to use Greek symbols and subscripts within a cell for writing mathematical equations.
    (Example: tmin = MAX (a, t, tn) where the min is a subscript, and the a should be the Greek alpha)
    What I do is F2 the cell to edit it, select the text to change using the keyboard arrows (the mouse is too slow), then use the mouse to select the font drop-down list, type “s” to get near to the Symbols font to get the Greek equivalent of the letter selected. Then I use the keyboard to move to the desired subscript text, select it, move my hand back to the mouse to click on the “Font point-size decrease” button twice, and while I’m there, click on the Italics button. And so on, and so on…
    I’ve tried writing a macro, but it only applies to the full cell content. Once in Edit mode, it doesn’t activate.
    Any ideas ???

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    • #578913


      If the equation is just for display, you could place a textbox on the worksheet and type out your equation, drag the box to where you want it, then right click on the textbox border and select no fill and no line.

      Maybe not the best solution….but it works.


    • #578930

      There is another workaround. Have a spare workbook with the target formats in it. Use Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to Copy and Paste into the Formula Bar. The Font Property in VBA applies to a Range – minimum size an entire cell (as you have found out). HTH

      • #579003

        Hi Unkamunka,


        No it doesn’t.

        Sets the size of characters 5 to 14 to 24

        Unfortunately one cannot run any code while editing a cell.

        But one could use special characters to delimit the text that needs special formatting, e.g. _this_ causes the word This to be subscript, ^this^ to make it superscript, etcetera. Then use a macro that searches for these special characters, removes them and formats the area they enclosed appropriately.
        Beats all the clicking, selecting and dragging the original poster experiences.

        I believe there is an insert symbol utility out there somewhere. maybe at:


    • #578934

      On the example you provided the following should convert the min part to subscript for each cell in the selection. Actually what it does is work on characters 2 to 4 inclusive regardless of what they are. You may be able to adapt it for your needs.

      Dim oCell As Range
          For Each oCell In Selection
              With oCell.Characters(Start:=2, Length:=3).Font
                  .Subscript = True
              End With
          Next oCell

      Andrew C

      • #578935

        Good point, Andrew. On that basis, should he not be able to set up a toolbar with a fair number of his desired options linked into macros?

        • #578937

          He could, and using Instr and InstrRev might be able to introduce variables as to the actual characters to be operated on. Plenty of scope for experimentation at least.


          • #578953

            It’s not quite as easy as that unfortunately. Because the ‘min’ part is just an example, and the position of the letters to be subscripted or converted to Greek is never the same from one line to the next.
            I think the solution for me would be to have a short-cut key for each of the 3 types of conversion.
            One exists already. I can use Ctrl-I for converting the subscript to italics.
            I need another for reducing the size of the subscript to 8,
            and a third for converting font to Symbol.
            With those 3 shortcuts, I could convert all I need without touching the mouse.
            That’s the only way to do it when the text to convert is never in the same place.

            But how can I associate a shortcut key with an existing button? The button to reduce the font size by one point is already on my tool bar, but doesn’t have an associated short-cut (I think).

            • #579007

              If you read Andrew’s second post more carefully – the same point was made this morning by Jan Karel – you will see that you can set up a Macro using the Instr and InstrRev functions. (Look in the VBA Help files – the functions will search for “_” – or whatever delimiter you choose.) You then attach that macro to toolbar icons (Customise|Attach Macro) – linking the macro to a keyboard shortcut. Someone else may come up with some code before I get the chance. HTH

            • #579009

              Here it is.

              Option Explicit
              Dim iStart() As Integer
              Dim iEnd() As Integer
              Dim iCount As Integer
              Dim sChar() As String
              Const sChars As String = “_^%&#”

              Sub ChangeLocalFormats()
              Dim sCellTxt As String
              Dim sTemp As String
              Dim iLoop As Integer
              iCount = 1
              ReDim sChar(1)
              ReDim iStart(1)
              ReDim iEnd(1)
              sCellTxt = ActiveCell.Value
              If Left(ActiveCell.Formula, 1) = “=” Then Exit Sub

              For iLoop = 1 To Len(sCellTxt)
              sTemp = Mid(sCellTxt, iLoop, 1)
              If iLoop > Len(sCellTxt) Then Exit For
              If InStr(sChars, sTemp) > 0 And Not sTemp = “” Then
              ReDim Preserve sChar(iCount)
              ReDim Preserve iStart(iCount)
              ReDim Preserve iEnd(iCount)
              sChar(iCount) = sTemp
              GetStartEnd sCellTxt, sTemp
              ActiveCell.Replace sTemp, “”, xlPart, , True
              sCellTxt = ActiveCell.Value
              iCount = iCount + 1
              iLoop = 0
              End If
              For iLoop = 1 To iCount – 1
              If iStart(iLoop) > 0 Then
              With ActiveCell.Characters(iStart(iLoop), iEnd(iLoop) – iStart(iLoop))
              Select Case InStr(sChars, sChar(iLoop))
              Case 1
              .Font.Subscript = True
              Case 2
              .Font.Superscript = True
              Case 3
              .Font.Italic = True
              Case 4
              .Font.Bold = True
              Case 5
              .Font.Name = “Symbol”
              End Select
              End With
              End If
              End Sub
              Sub GetStartEnd(sCellTxt As String, sChar As String)
              iStart(iCount) = InStr(1, sCellTxt, sChar)
              iEnd(iCount) = InStr(iStart(iCount) + 1, sCellTxt, sChar) – 1
              End Sub

              So in this:

              _ sets subscript
              ^ sets superscript
              % sets italic
              & sets Bold
              # sets Symbol font

              Test it on this text:


              You can even nest formatting characters:


            • #579061

              Wow !!!!!!!!
              What an effort !!
              I pasted it into a VB module of my Personal.xls, and applied it to a custom button.
              It works perfectly! Genial stuff. I am so amazed that I can’t work. I’ll have to take a few minutes off.
              Thanks – great effort.

            • #579117

              It took me about one hour to put it together.
              Great you like it.

            • #579070


            • #579074

              Jan, sometimes I have more than one place in the equation where I need a subscript or a Greek symbol.
              Only the first of each seems to get processed.
              Example: f_r_ + #a# + S_n_ + #b#

              If I edit a second time to get the second ocurrence of each type right, the first occurrence gets undone.

            • #579119

              Oh yeah, I see why, the clue is in the line with the replace method, which replaces all occurrances of the chartacter in question. Bad design .

              No time now to develop a workaround though.

            • #579314


              I thought this would be an interesting project, but Jan had a solution before I had a chance to try anything. Anyway, since you still needed an improvement to the code, I (borrowing liberally from Jan smile) wrote this code which should detect and format all instances of a pair of formatting codes.

              Sub MyAttempt()
              Dim iChar() As Long
              Dim sCodeChar As String
              Dim sTestChar As String
              Dim sWork As String
              Dim i As Long
              Dim j As Long
              Dim k As Long
              Dim Index As Long
              Dim TextLength As Long
              Dim bFlag As Boolean
              Const sChars As String = "_^%&#"
              If Left(ActiveCell.Formula, 1) = "=" Then Exit Sub
              'Find number of pairs of formatting codes and redim array
              TextLength = Len(ActiveCell.Value)
              For i = 1 To TextLength
                  If InStr(sChars, Mid(ActiveCell.Value, i, 1)) > 0 Then j = j + 1
              Next i
              If j  2  j / 2 Then
                  MsgBox "Code pair is incomplete. Halt formatting procedure"
                  Exit Sub
              End If
              j = j / 2 + 1
              ReDim iChar(j, 3)
              Index = 1  'initialize
              'loop through each formatting character
              For i = 1 To 5
                  'remove all code chars except the relevant code character from text string
                  'i is the index number for the formatting code
                  sWork = ""
                  sCodeChar = Mid(sChars, i, 1)
                  For j = 1 To TextLength
                      sTestChar = Mid(ActiveCell.Value, j, 1)
                      If InStr(sChars, sTestChar) = 0 Then 'the char is not a formatting char
                          sWork = sWork + sTestChar
                      ElseIf sTestChar = sCodeChar Then  'the char is the relevant formatting char
                          sWork = sWork + sTestChar
                      End If
                  Next j
                  'Save the starting and ending positions for each actual segment of text to
                  'be formatted and the formating character's index.  Use k to count the instances
                  'of the formatting character.
                  k = 0
                  For j = 1 To Len(sWork)
                      If Mid(sWork, j, 1) = sCodeChar Then
                          If Not bFlag Then 'First instance in a pair of codes
                              iChar(Index, 1) = j - k
                              bFlag = True
                              k = k + 1
                          Else              'Second instance in a pair of codes
                              iChar(Index, 2) = j - k - 1
                              bFlag = False
                              k = k + 1
                              iChar(Index, 3) = i
                              Index = Index + 1
                          End If
                      End If
                  Next j
              Next i
              'Remove all formatting characters from active cell contents
              sWork = ""
              For i = 1 To Len(ActiveCell.Value)
                  If InStr(sChars, Mid(ActiveCell.Value, i, 1)) = 0 Then
                      sWork = sWork + Mid(ActiveCell.Value, i, 1)
                  End If
              Next i
              ActiveCell.Value = sWork
              'Apply formatting
              For i = 1 To Index - 1
                  With ActiveCell.Characters(iChar(i, 1), iChar(i, 2) - iChar(i, 1) + 1)
                      Select Case iChar(i, 3)
                          Case 1 ' Underscore
                              .Font.Subscript = True
                          Case 2 ' ^
                              .Font.Superscript = True
                          Case 3 ' %
                              .Font.Italic = True
                          Case 4 ' & fixed per JohnBF
                              .Font.Bold = True
                          Case 5 ' # Greek
                              .Font.Name = "Symbol"
                       End Select
                  End With
              Next i
              End Sub
            • #579413

              Overjoyed. I didn’t expect to get such a quick solution to this problem which has been irking me for about a year now. You guys are the gurus of the gurus.
              I am completely satisfied with this now.
              But, if you want to go one step further, and only if you want to (because I’m happy we got this far and it is completely functional for me, but there may be others out there who find this useful too):
              When you add another term to an equation, with a subscript say, all the previous formatting gets undone.
              I know I know I know, we’re getting too complicated here, and it’s really not necessary.

              Thanks a million Jan and kjktoo. Wonderful job. You have really impressed me.

            • #579488

              Sorry, but the “next step” is beyond my knowledge. Perhaps Jan, a true excel guru, can help.

              – edited –
              What you might consider is keeping a copy of the original formula with the formatting codes in a nearby cell and modify that cell with your new term, copy to the desired location and run the macro, then.


            • #579497

              Very nice, KJToo.

              FWIW I wrote myself an “entry” msgbox as a reminder of what the macro does and what the codes are:

              If MsgBox(“Underscore_ = Subscript,” & vbLf & “Caret^ = Superscript,” & vbLf & _
              “Percent% = Italic,” & vbLf & “Ampersand& = Bold,” & vbLf & “Pound # = Greek Symbol” _
              & vbLf & vbLf & “Continue?”, vbYesNoCancel) vbYes Then Exit Sub

              I put it after the other errorchecking routines.

            • #579575

              I guess the easiest would be to keep a copy of the preformatted string, which you can edit and format again later on. It would be a lot of work to code one that reverses the process.

            • #579576


              You’re very welcome to it. Good improvements.

            • #579800

              that was an awesome piece of code. added to my bag of tricks.

              FYI-Another solution was posted in post #88824 last Nov using a slightly different approach with a slightly different problem. It actually started out as a very different problem but the originator asked a 2nd question that was similar to this one. I’ve saved that one too.


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