• Mistake in the Microsoft Update Catalog?

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    Just in from PKCano… Check this out – I may have misread, but On the support MS website .NET patch KB3196686 (Win7) lists KB3195388 (.NET 4.6, 4.6.1
    [See the full post at: Mistake in the Microsoft Update Catalog?]

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    • #22638

      If you plug in the individual numbers on the support site, you see that the catalog is right

    • #22639


    • #22640

      Catalog do not mess up, it’s a reflection of Windows Update content
      it’s the KB article support that mixed info, which is not the first or last time, such mistakes happens frequently

      anyway, nothing serious, only cosmetic mix 🙂

    • #22641


      Can’t locate the “Manage Your Subscriptions” menu anywhere. I had it bookmarked and now there is no link there.

      Please send new link? Thank you.

    • #22642

      Here’s the official WordPress response:

      The Subscriptions feature is set up as self service for the subscriber. It is opt-in and in each email they receive there is a Manage Subscriptions links. A user can click that link, then change their subscription options from there.

      I just looked and discovered that I can manually Suspend your subscription, if you can’t get the link to work.

    • #22643



      My most sincere apology for overlooking the link at the bottom of each e-mail. I can’t believe that I overlooked that!!

      Strange that once I had it bookmarked for such a long time. I can now get my subscriptions reviewed and bring it “up to date”.

      I appreciate your help. I don’t know what I would do without it. You are the “absolute” BEST!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

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