• Missing Driver?


    Hello all,
    My first try at Win 8 64 RP … Question : Has anyone had the message when trying to install “Device Driver Missing”

    1. Downloaded from MS (twice)…Burned it to DVD..

    2. Tried to do this on blank formatted HD and also to a previous install..

    3. Get error message “see screen shot”

    4. Maybe bad download ?? Checked “Hash” seems OK

    5. Anyone know another place (other than MS) to download it from?

    :cheers:Regards Fred

    Viewing 5 reply threads
    • #1342053

      I think that most CD/DVD drives use the generic Microsoft 6/21/2006 version 6.1.7601.17514 driver. If you need something else you may need to do some research.

      What kind of CD/DVD Drive do you have? do you have a CD that came with it that has drivers on it? My CD/DVD drives are all OEM models, but Windows 8 has drivers for them, including some pretty old ones.

    • #1342055

      The other possibility is to burn the ISO file to a flash drive (you would need the option to go to flash drive in your Bios) This would give you the option to install, then install CD/DVD drivers later.

      I’m surprised because most CD/DVD drives work with the default drivers.

      Perhaps you could download the driver to a flash then point to that driver when the installations asks.

      • #1342106

        Hello all,
        Just tried the 32 bit version …same results Prescott, Tried the Update Driver thing for my ASUS CDDVD RW’s and windows said… “I already have the most updated version” …

        Ted… I’ll try to acquire a Flash drive ..and “give er a go”

        Seems that this is an issue with some “folks” …with no fix that i could find …for now.

        Regards Fred

    • #1342121

      The biggest thing I’ve seen so far is lack of drivers, generally graphics and audio. Graphics are getting better as NVidia and AMD both have Win 8 specific drivers available. I still see a lot of grumbling about audio problems. I have not seen to many problems with CD/DVD drives during installation.

      Hope the flash drive option works for you.

    • #1342169

      Fred, I wonder if this threadmight help with your problem.

      • #1342173

        Hi Ted,
        No …this seems to apply to those who have Windows 8 installed …Will try the Flash Drive route …Will acquire one when i place my order from “Crucial” for the new memory for my coming upgrade…Thanks ….Regards Fred

        • #1342210

          Hello All,
          The “Flash Drive” route worked burned the same .iso as the DVD …Guess the problem could be my SATA controller card , both of my CDDVD RW’s run off it, Win 864 doesn’t see them for some reason. Installed on a Blank Hard Drive, and is running …only problem was Win 8 boot default conflicted with my own choices …EasyBCD took care of it once i could boot into Win 7…wasn’t easy though…”8″ Didn’t like the multi-boot thing …Thanks for the suggestions…Regards Fred

    • #1342213

      Glad the flash drive worked. Read through a few of the threads to see how to make Win 8 RP work the way you want it. Spend time on it to really get the feel of this OS.

      Windows Defender is installed and enabled by default. It will be disabled if you install Norton. I really think you should try it and see how it fits as well.

      I would try to find some updated drivers for the SATA controller. Many devices are getting new drivers by the day.

      Not sure why your dual boot gave a problem. Mine worked wonderfully from the start.

      • #1342217

        Read through a few of the threads to see how to make Win 8 RP work the way you want it. Spend time on it to really get the feel of this OS.

        Windows Defender is installed and enabled by default. It will be disabled if you install Norton. I really think you should try it and see how it fits as well.

        Not sure why your dual boot gave a problem. Mine worked wonderfully from the start.

        Hello… I will start going through the various Win 8 threads … First glance impression …Yikes!

        I going to be doing the total Windows “Security thing ” for this first iteration just for the test. No sense going the Norton route just yet.

        No …not a dual boot… but try installing it on a “Quint boot PC ” (whats after Quint …maybe Sexta? ) with a SATA controller card :wacko: Thanks again, Regards Fred

    • #1342218

      Fred, I would start withthis thread. It will give you an excellent starting point.

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