• Microsoft’s coerced Win10 upgrade options only include “Upgrade now” and “Upgrade tonight”

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    The seedy Win10 upgrade campaign has hit a confusing new low InfoWorld Woody on Windows
    [See the full post at: Microsoft’s coerced Win10 upgrade options only include “Upgrade now” and “Upgrade tonight”]

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    • #48376

      Does anyone know what the little arrow on the right margin leads to? Is there by any chance a “Go Away” (I’m wording that suitably in case this is considered a family board, but I had other words in mind ;)!) option on the next screen?

      Also, is there even the slightest indication anywhere that Microsoft realise the harm they are doing to their customer relations by approaching the adoption of Windows 10 in the way they are?

    • #48377

      Good overview. It’s valuable to have something like this that summarizes the twists and turns. The whole thing has dragged on so long that people find it hard to follow otherwise. I’m not the family’s tech guru but I am passing along a link to your article.

    • #48378

      Three words to answer your last question Seff.


      Here it is… take it or leave it… don’t let the door hit you in the behind on your way out. That seems to be the motto at M$ since Windows 8 was released.

    • #48379

      I suggest that the Microsoft email be treated as spam and forwarded to abuse@ the various ISPs and email providers and Microsoft itself and to the FTC.

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