• Microsoft Edge usage falls even further

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    Bet you didn’t think it was possible. Gregg Keizer has the details: According to … Net Applications, the user share of Edge … fell by six-tenths o
    [See the full post at: Microsoft Edge usage falls even further]

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    • #143143

      I can’t think of anybody who ‘wants’ to run Win 10 either. I know many that ‘must’ run it. Thank goodness for choice in browsers. Now if we only had choice in OS user interfaces.

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      • #143192

        Uh, except we do? There’s an OS called Windows 7 you know 🙂

      • #143198

        There also is Classic Shell

        • #143224

          Neither Win7 nor Classic Shell automatically update every week/month/quarter/half-year/…whenever MS issues a Beta-fix. And unlike WinX, those programs leave the updating choice to me.

          I wish that Windows X allowed multiple UI’s – much as Linux does. I know, some will say ‘just get Linux!’. And they have a point. My choice is to stay with Word 2003 – the version I like and provides maximum production – for me. I use Classic Shell – obviously because I choose that shell over the MS design that combines the worst of desktop and phone OS’s – IMHO.

          So, MS could go a long ways towards recapturing my consumer loyalty if it were to offer selectable UI’s on both OS and production software. I would put up with constant updates if I could maintain a modicum of continuity with regards to the part of the software I see. I appreciate their effort to improve security, and to maybe pioneer new methods of increasing productivity. But why must they foreclose on existing methods – my methods?

    • #143150

      Win XP market share increased from 5.69% in Sep 2017 to 6.47% in Oct 2017.
      What gives ?

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #143160

        Windows 10 & Patchocalpyse gives, and keeps on giving!

        Also Woody didn’t you post something about them wanting to bring Edge to other devices or something? (lol).

        I really can’t see who would use it. IE Users won’t want to move to it, and users of other browsers definitely wouldn’t so…eh. Every web dev I’ve spoken to almost spits on the floor at the mere mention. They hate it even more than IE heh.

        Place your bets on how long it will be till they remove / block IE from Win10 altogether to force Edge..

        3 users thanked author for this post.
        • #143193

          Those numbers don’t add up. Yes, Windows 10 is terrible and it is NOT gaining market share fast at all but why would XP go up that much that fast because of Windows 10? Really odd if you ask me. If anything, Windows 7 market share should go up, but why XP?

          • #143225

            Presume because corps see Win 7 as less “stable” now that the Patchocalpse has begun? Insecure though of course, but they may prefer no updates at all to “rollups”, (not knowing about the Catalogue with the security patches).

            No idea though really.

      • #143350

        Probably because there are still a lot of enterprise users out there forcing MS to do surprise security updates.  Not to mention Steve Gibson of Security Now TV still uses XP in some capacity.

    • #143217

      @FakeNinja: If you are required to use Windows 10 for some reason (DX12, required apps, work upgrade, got a new computer and can’t legally downgrade, etc.) then the Windows 10 interface isn’t available.

      Classic Shell is, but it has its own share of weirdness. Last I checked, it showed the recently used programs, not the most frequently used. It also does not have the integrated search, instead using a much weaker one that only searches the Start Menu. It also had problems not going away properly in full screen apps, but I hope that has been fixed.

      And it doesn’t fix window colors either.

      • #144367

        Classic Shell has frequently used programs as well as recent (there’s an option) since at least 2014. It searches everything and includes integration with Windows Search as well. Also the Start button does not overlap any full screen apps I use.

        You are probably talking about a very old version of it – 3 or 4 years back.

    • #143229

      Anyone here heard of the Microsoft employee that installed Chrome halfway through a presentation because Edge kept crashing?

      One reason why I’m a happy Chrome user. I abandoned Internet Explorer for Firefox at the age of 11, and a few years ago emigrated from Firefox to Chrome. I have been happy and satisfied not having to touch another Microsoft web browser again.

    • #143271

      And what happened here (October Steam Survey)?

      Fractal Design Pop Air * Thermaltake Toughpower GF3 750W * ASUS TUF GAMING B560M-PLUS * Intel Core i9-11900K * 4 x 8 GB G.Skill Aegis DDR4 3600 MHz CL16 * ASRock RX 6800 XT Phantom Gaming 16GB OC * XPG GAMMIX S70 BLADE 1TB * SanDisk Ultra 3D 1TB * Samsung EVO 840 250GB * DVD RW Lite-ON iHAS 124 * Windows 10 Pro 22H2 64-bit Insider * Windows 11 Pro Beta Insider
      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #143292

        That Steam Survey’s an oddball, or a sign of things to come – check the Languages section for the likely answer to your question:

        Simplified Chinese 56.37% +26.83%
        English 21.24% -13.40%
        Russian 6.20% -4.13%
        Spanish 2.64% -1.63%
        Korean 2.09% -0.86%
        Brazilian Portuguese 1.98% -1.22%
        German 1.91% -1.15%
        French 1.51% -0.86%
        Polish 1.01% -0.63%

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #143296

          Spot on. Haven’t looked there.

          Fractal Design Pop Air * Thermaltake Toughpower GF3 750W * ASUS TUF GAMING B560M-PLUS * Intel Core i9-11900K * 4 x 8 GB G.Skill Aegis DDR4 3600 MHz CL16 * ASRock RX 6800 XT Phantom Gaming 16GB OC * XPG GAMMIX S70 BLADE 1TB * SanDisk Ultra 3D 1TB * Samsung EVO 840 250GB * DVD RW Lite-ON iHAS 124 * Windows 10 Pro 22H2 64-bit Insider * Windows 11 Pro Beta Insider
    • #143281

      I can’t think of any segment using Win 10 that will adopt Edge and that includes enterprise who won’t be switching to Edge from IE when they move to Windows 10. I really don’t see how Edge can be successful. Even Firefox has a better chance then Edge on Win 10. I am not even sure Microsoft realizes what is wrong with Edge and why very few use it. They seem to think claiming its marginally faster, or has a bit better battery life or that some of its unique features will somehow convert users. I think Edge suffers from bad case of identity crisis because up to this point it has not run on anything but Win 10. The beta’s in IOS and Android are a long way from calling Edge a good multi platform browser. Meanwhile Chrome continues ever month to gain users and Edge loses them. This is the browser equivalent failure to Windows 8 for Microsoft.

      • #143289

        I’m on W10 at work and we use IE11 only. Edge is of course installed, but all the shortcuts are removed by default.

        Fractal Design Pop Air * Thermaltake Toughpower GF3 750W * ASUS TUF GAMING B560M-PLUS * Intel Core i9-11900K * 4 x 8 GB G.Skill Aegis DDR4 3600 MHz CL16 * ASRock RX 6800 XT Phantom Gaming 16GB OC * XPG GAMMIX S70 BLADE 1TB * SanDisk Ultra 3D 1TB * Samsung EVO 840 250GB * DVD RW Lite-ON iHAS 124 * Windows 10 Pro 22H2 64-bit Insider * Windows 11 Pro Beta Insider
    • #143294

      Well poor embattled Edge what can I say? only to echo the views of @woody its seems a project in limbo stalled on the rocks of indifference between M$ wanting to put the knife in to IE11 and the all encompassing rise of Chrome. Maybe its time to axe the foray in to the future of browsing and let the others take up the torch. Since the inception of IE with win95 and the subsequent Browser wars that ensued and of course the advent of the EU legislation its never been an easy mix. Give us a way to remove Edge via power shell or give it up, might as well after all the stats are pretty damming.
      I recently “crumbled” bought a new SSD and did the 1709 clean install (yeah I know I was adamant I wasnt going to to, but hey new HDD albeit an SSD new start, new drive) and guess what ? yeppers! no “Favicons” in favoutites, yeah got allegedly F11 full screen now, more like “Shift-winkey-enter” obtw 1709 isnt so bad (thnx once again @Noel Carboni for as ever insightful analysis 🙂 ) For all you folks on Win7 or any WinX treat you machine to a SSD you owe it to your self lol. The die hard Win 7 users its basically like “night and day”
      Edge works and does the job alas it needs a little more than M$ seems unwilling to give. Am I alone in in thinking that? IE11 was ok. so start as that as a minimul “benchmark” and build upon that, maybe a back to basics would be a better scenario.
      I did the annual Firefox try last month installed by Power shell “chocolaty”, awsome done in seconds, same deal no “Favicons” and spurious remedies none of which worked.
      Its an old English saying, typically from the north of England (no thats not where am lol)
      “Muck or Nettles” maybe the end is nigh for Edge, its not that I have a down on M$’s beleagured browser, its just make it ready for the “big time” lol 😉

    • #143343

      I haven’t used edge in awhile but my first impression was not very good. Most users can be fickle and be turned off by the simplest of things. In this case I certainly was. The problem being was the way Edge handled the “homepage”. I had set my homepage in the settings but every time I started edge it would not take me to my homepage but their Bing homepage. I actually had to click on the homepage button to get to my homepage. This is really simple but it really ticked me off. Your homepage is what is suppose to be there when you start your browser, not theirs.


      Call me picky but that’s where it all started to go wrong for me with Edge and I bet the vast majourity did too. Why use a browser that won’t start with your homepage of choice when you can use one that can.


      My two cents.



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    • #143374

      Sorry Woody, but Edge is all but a decent Web browser, and Microsoft will never get the act together — no matter how much money they burn.. Mark my words!

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