• Microsoft clarifies (?) its CVE-2019-1367 release method

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    From the Windows Message Center: Update: Starting September 24, 2019, mitigation for this vulnerability is included as part of the 9C optional update,
    [See the full post at: Microsoft clarifies (?) its CVE-2019-1367 release method]

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    • #1964540

      I understood it, without a problem.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #1964675

      I still haven’t seen it Sync to my SCCM/WSUS console.  Anyone else have it yet?

    • #1964691

      is Patch Lady Susan aware of this recent announcement?
      I guess win10 v1903 users have to wait til 9/26 to find out

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by EP.
      • #1964731

        Yup.  What a zoo, what a mess.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        • #1965733

          It was a confusing mess indeed, Susan.

          First Microsoft releases the out-of-band security updates on Monday September 23.
          The following day Tuesday September 24, Microsoft releases a newer set of updates, replacing most of those out-of-band updates for most Windows versions.

          The timing of the release of those updates are just ridiculous. they could have released those out-of-band updates on the weekend instead of a Monday.

          where’s that “not so transparent” Pinnochio meter when we need it?

          • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by EP.
          • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by EP.
          • #1965782

            No one has a screen wide enough for Pinocchio’s nose in this situation. 🙂

            Red Ruffnsore

            • #1965788

              Might on this monitor..

              If debian is good enough for NASA...
          • #1965787

            First Microsoft releases the out-of-band security updates on Monday September 23.
            The following day Tuesday September 24, Microsoft releases a newer set of updates, replacing most of those out-of-band updates for most Windows versions.

            Tuesday’s updates did not replace Monday’s, which are still available.

    • #1964801

      Am I correct in understanding that there are no separate patches to treat ONLY this vulnerability, and that I must drop a roll-up pile – containing known problems and potentially unknown ones on my 3000 users to address this?

      • #1965741

        Yes, there are separate patches – released on Monday, not Tuesday, mind you – but they have to be manually downloaded and installed.

        Considering there are no known in-the-wild exploits, there’s absolutely no reason (IMHO) to subject your machine to them.

    • #1965189

      Susan, generally I enjoy open-style zoos – no bars or cages.  MS updates etc – bah!

    • #1965742

      It’s Thursday Sept. 26 – Susan can you check if any of the out-of-band updates for CVE-2019-1367 have actually been released thru WSUS? MS has not updated their support articles on those updates to reflect that they’ll be distributed thru WSUS.

      • #1965743

        I don’t see anything in the Catalog yet or on the Win10 history page.

    • #1965751

      I just now did a manual sync of WSUS and nothing yet. My guess is sometime later this afternoon which is when we normally see patches released.

      Red Ruffnsore

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #1965783

        I was expecting to see the third Sept cumulative update for 1903. So far, nothing.

        • #1965931

          the 3rd CU for 1903 just came out around 2PM pacific time (KB4517211), along with a new SSU (KB4520390).

          unlike KB4522016 which will remain available from MS Update Catalog only, KB4517211 is available thru Windows Update, MS Update Catalog & WSUS – I think Patch Lady Susan will be disappointed that MS decided to make the newer KB4517211 update available thru WU & WSUS rather than the out-of-band update like KB4522016. seems like MS broke their promise to release the out-of-band security updates thru WSUS

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