• Menu and Toolbars Disappeared


    While working in Word 2000, my menu bar and toolbars disappeared. The document and the ruler are visible but nothing else. I can’t get any keyboard commands to works so I can access the toolbars menu under View. Any ideas? Help please. Thank you Carol

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    • #521088

      Does Alt-F8 call up the Macros… dialog? If so, choose Word Comands in the “Macros in” drop down menu, and you should be able to access ToolsCustomize and restore your menu and toolbars. If not, perhaps rename Normal.dot and try re-opening Word.

    • #521127

      Usually when I can no longer see my macros I suspect a virus infection. The last few I’ve seen start their day by disabling macro protection, inhibiting views of several things, and generally stopping me doing what i would naturally do.

    • #521129

      Have a look at this earlier thread for a couple of fixes – one involves deleting a Registry key, and the other involves running a macro.

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