• MDA File


    I have in the past had a program which had a particular mda file attached in Access 97. This program is now deleted but whenever I go to load Access 97, I get an error message that it cant find the mda file and cant load all the libary. Clicking ok on these messages lets me go in and all is fine. It doesnt effect running this or Access 2000. QUESTION… I cant find where to get rid of this link to the old Mda.. been through the registry etc and can find no refernce to it.. can any one help please

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    • #510303

      In Access 97 and above, MDA files are Access add-ins and they got installed into the Office directory. Try looking in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOfficeAccessAddins and see if you can locate the missing addin name there. Also search the registry for Addin to see if it might have come in through a custom profile. Even though you say your program works, it might be a good idea to go into the VBE by opening a module and then click on Tools–>References and make sure none of them show a MISSING ahead of the name. If you find your MDA listed there as MISSING, you can simply remove it from the references and see if that cures your problem.

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