• Maximum number of records in a table… (97 SR-2)

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    I know I’ve seen this somewhere but I’ve forgotten… Does anyone know offhand?

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    • #731849


      Type Specifications in the Help index, you’ll get an overview. There is no fixed limit to the number of records in a table, but the total size of an Access database (including system tables etc.) is limited to 2 GB.

      • #731862


        I looked at the specs in my Access 97 SR-2 is 1 GIG. Weird.


        • #731882

          I’m sure that you’re right. I looked it up in my Access 2002 help. Anyway, by the time your table is approaching the limit, whether it be 1 GB on Access 97 or 2 GB on Access 2002, it is time to reconsider: either change the table structure, or migrate to SQL Server or another server database.

        • #731883

          I’m sure that you’re right. I looked it up in my Access 2002 help. Anyway, by the time your table is approaching the limit, whether it be 1 GB on Access 97 or 2 GB on Access 2002, it is time to reconsider: either change the table structure, or migrate to SQL Server or another server database.

        • #731972

          The limit was doubled in A2k and later to accommodate unicode. It boils down to roughly the same amount of data.

        • #731973

          The limit was doubled in A2k and later to accommodate unicode. It boils down to roughly the same amount of data.

    • #731850


      Type Specifications in the Help index, you’ll get an overview. There is no fixed limit to the number of records in a table, but the total size of an Access database (including system tables etc.) is limited to 2 GB.

    • #732099

      There is one limit – IF you are using an autonumber field as a primary key;
      please see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article – 97520
      …The maximum value of the Counter data type is the same as the maximum value of a Long Integer. A Long Integer is 32 bits long and has a maximum positive value of 2,147,483,647 and a minimum negative value of -2,147,483,648.

      If you use a Counter as the primary key, a table can contain up to four billion records. The maximum number of records in the table is also limited by the maximum size of a database.


      • #732132

        To amplify, if you are limited to a database size of 2GB, and you only have 1 field that is a small integer (2 bytes), you can have roughly 1,000,000,000 records, so you aren’t likely to every run out of autonumbers. But such a table isn’t very useful.

        • #732134

          You can run out of autonumbers if you purge records from the table (e.g. archiving to a linked database). The autonumbers are not re-usable. We have in fact experienced this in our business.


          • #732140

            If you have run out of autonumbers, your database should have been moved to SQL Server instead of Access.

            • #732232

              Hi Charlotte

              If your Jet system is based on heavy usage of autonumber to link records and relationships, is there a SQL Serve equivalent?


            • #732285

              SQL Server supports the same auto-increment field type, but if you have a system that has literally [/i]billions and billions[/i] of records, then you really want a different kind of primary key, probably multi field. There is something called a GUID which can be used – it is a 16 byte value – but in our experience caused some performance issues, at least with early versions of both Access and SQL. I’ve not revisited it with later versions.

            • #732286

              SQL Server supports the same auto-increment field type, but if you have a system that has literally [/i]billions and billions[/i] of records, then you really want a different kind of primary key, probably multi field. There is something called a GUID which can be used – it is a 16 byte value – but in our experience caused some performance issues, at least with early versions of both Access and SQL. I’ve not revisited it with later versions.

            • #732233

              Hi Charlotte

              If your Jet system is based on heavy usage of autonumber to link records and relationships, is there a SQL Serve equivalent?


          • #732141

            If you have run out of autonumbers, your database should have been moved to SQL Server instead of Access.

        • #732135

          You can run out of autonumbers if you purge records from the table (e.g. archiving to a linked database). The autonumbers are not re-usable. We have in fact experienced this in our business.


      • #732133

        To amplify, if you are limited to a database size of 2GB, and you only have 1 field that is a small integer (2 bytes), you can have roughly 1,000,000,000 records, so you aren’t likely to every run out of autonumbers. But such a table isn’t very useful.

    • #732100

      There is one limit – IF you are using an autonumber field as a primary key;
      please see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article – 97520
      …The maximum value of the Counter data type is the same as the maximum value of a Long Integer. A Long Integer is 32 bits long and has a maximum positive value of 2,147,483,647 and a minimum negative value of -2,147,483,648.

      If you use a Counter as the primary key, a table can contain up to four billion records. The maximum number of records in the table is also limited by the maximum size of a database.


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