I often need to do stuff to URLs in text, and matching them with wildcards can be tricky. A major obstacle was that I needed to format the URL, but not the boundary characters I used to find it (spaces, parens, etc.). So I ended up having to do a bit of range gymnastics.
The following macro does a fair job of getting most standard URL formats. Feel free to offer suggestions or to adapt for your own purposes.
Sub MatchURLs() ' ' Matches most www, ftp, and http(s) variations. ' Known issues: doesn't currently seem to match ' if URL is at end of table cell ' Dim rngToSearch As Range Dim rngURL As Range Set rngToSearch = ActiveDocument.Range Set rngURL = rngToSearch.Duplicate Do With rngURL.Find .ClearFormatting .Text = " [htps:/wf.]{3,5}[! ,)(^013^019]@[ ,)(^013^019]" .Forward = True .MatchWildcards = True .Wrap = wdFindStop .Execute End With If rngURL.Find.Found = False Then Exit Do End If rngURL.MoveEnd unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-1 rngURL.MoveStart unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1 ' ' ###################### ' Do stuff to rngURL Here ' ' ###################### ' rngURL.MoveStart wdWord rngURL.End = rngToSearch.End Loop Until rngURL.Find.Found = False End Sub