• Mass rename of macro buttons (2000 SP1a)

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    I’ve got a user who has a couple of workbooks that have about 100 sheets each. He created a button on each sheet that runs a macro. Unfortunately, he wants to rename the button on all of the sheets. As far I know, Excel cannot find the button name on the find replace. Does anyone have any ideas on how to rename the buttons? I think he may have to manually rename each button.

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    • #703091

      Command buttons are part of the Shapes collection of a worksheet. If there is just one per worksheet, it will be named “Button 1” if it was created from the Forms toolbar (seems most probable from your description) or “CommandButton1” if it was created from the Control Toolbox toolbar.

      This macro will rename buttons named “Button 1” to “cmdMacro”. Adapt as needed.

      Sub RenameButtons()
      Dim sht As Worksheet
      On Error GoTo ErrHandler
      For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
      sht.Shapes(“Button 1”).Name = “cmdMacro”
      Next sht

      Set sht = Nothing
      Exit Sub

      ‘ No error if button of that name is not found.
      If Err = -2147024809 Then
      Resume Next
      MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation
      Resume ExitHandler
      End If
      End Sub

      • #703097

        Thanks! I’ll have him run this macro on a copy of his workbook.

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