I have been messing around in my leisure time designing a Monopoly game to be played on an excel spread sheet. It is certainly not Pulitzer prize material but is a challenge to myself if I can do it. It will also be entertaining when completed. Aligning columns and rows while using the color scheme, amazingly it resembles the game board fairly well. I have a data sheet that has all the data for the streets and an Info sheet the has the data for the Chance and Community Chest cards.
I have been learning VBA slowly by scouring the Internet and picking up tid bits in this forum. Using Randomize and the Rnd function that I picked off from the help menu, I can randomly generate numbers that will pick a card (by the row number) and roll the dice. But that is as far as I got. The board logic seems that it will be mostly be “IF” statements and message boxes for the cards and statistics. I don’t think I will have a problem with that but that will be my next hurdle.
I want to show an animation of a dice rolling across the board when the user clicks a “ROLL DICE” button. I prefer to do this directly on the sheet as opposed to a user form which was the only solution I found. Back in the day this was easy to do on my Texas Instrument TIAA “something or other” using extended basic and sprites. Is there an equivalent in VBA? Most of what I am reading refers to Visual Basic and gives me error messages when I attempt to run it from Excel.
If anyone is up for the challenge, you will have at least one captive audience and a salute when I drink down my next beer.