• Mail opens automatically (OL2000/Exchange 2000)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Outlook and email programs » Mail opens automatically (OL2000/Exchange 2000)


    When one of our attorneys is typing a new e-mail, and he receives an incoming e-mail, the incoming e-mail itself pops up in front of him. (This is not the message notifying him that a new message has arrived.) He then loses the ability to keep working in the e-mail he was typing. I’ve not been able to locate any setting that should cause new mail to open automatically. Is there one, or why might this be happening?

    I’m familiar with the notification options when a new e-mail arrives – either by sound (a beep) or a message that pops up saying I’ve received a new email – but I’m not familiar with what he’s describing. Anyone have any thoughts? They’d be appreciated.

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    • #586874

      Just a thought, but at a guess he types the letter ‘y’ or a carriage return before he types the letter ‘n’. The notification is popping up, he’s looking at his keyboard and doesn’t notice, and before he realises it he has answered ‘Yes’ to the question “Do you want to read it now?”

      I’ve noticed this with fast typists. You can usually tell by going back to the mail being written and seeing what would have been the next character to be entered into the message.

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