• Mail merge installs Access 2000 (Word 2000)

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    I have both Access 97 and Access 2000 installed on my computer. Is it possible to do a mail merge in Word 2000 with an Access 97 database. everytime I try it Access 2000 wants to be the one to be used.

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    • #636803

      My experience is the same as yours.
      The same thing also happens in the other direction – if you try to initiate the merge from within Access , Access 2000 will always use Word 2000. When I tried to use Access 2000 with Word 97 it wouldn’t work.

      Someone else may know a way to force it do what you want.

    • #636806

      There is a similar thread going on the General Office Solutions board. Please post your suggestions, questions, et cetera, here.

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