Has anybody else had any problems with named ranges in Excel2007?
I have a number of Excel2007 xlsm files which make significant use of named ranges.
Every now and then, when opening a file that has previously worked OK, problems have occurred which have been identified as due to expected named ranges no longer being ‘defined’ i.e. are missing from the file. Gone. Lost without a trace. Apparently.
It doesn’t seem to be consistent.
Closing and Opening the same file – the ‘missing’ name is now back.
It happens with different named ranges i.e. not always the same one.
I’ve also noticed some problems with when I’ve tried to redefine the specific address range assigned to a name using Excel2007’s name manager.
The updated range assignment appears in the name manager’s list, but when I select that named range from the name dropdown next to the formula bar it selects the previous assigned range not the new one listed in the name manager.
My life is going to be much more tedious if I can’t rely on named ranges working properly in Excel2007.
It’s not specific to my own PC – similar issues occurred when the same files were loaded on a different PC.
(Same latest version of Excel2007 on both)
Has anyone else had issues like this????
It’s as if the file load into Excel2007