• Lost Font? (2000)


    Is “Andy” a Publisher font? This past week I replaced my primary hard drive, reloaded Windows 98SE; & all my hadrware & software. I migrated all my files & folders from my backup medium; & last night opened my web site, created in Publisher 2000. One of the major fonts I use for the site, Andy, was unavailable. I’m wondering now if this was originally a Publisher font, or a font picked up from another app I have yet to load (the only one left to go which uses a variety of fonts is AutoCAD.) Can anyone here provide some insight on how to get this font back? Thanks.


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    • #595238

      i don’t know about Andy, but i do know the first rule of webdesign is to use common fonts that everyone will have installed, otherwise they will see it in times or arial. Microsft has a set of core web fonts and these are included with the OS. You should not use fonts shipped with other programs, only the OS.

      • #595622


        On that rule…I know i should follow it…but…wouldn’t a logical assumption be that every end user has an Operating System; & that most of those are Windows based; & that on those particular computers there should be no problem in displaying standard OS fonts above & beyond the 11 basic fonts? How many computers in the world only have 11 fonts? (Or is there a more technical aspect I am missing?) Thanks again.


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